Chapter 2

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**     “Hey mate what took you so long?” Jerome asked when Trent walked in.

     “I took a wrong turn and ran into a girl,” he shrugged his shoulders and threw his things and the couch Lexi was sitting on.

     “She didn’t notice who you were, did she Trent? I swear to God if she realizes that Trail of Colors, the up and coming international pop band, is here and calls the media I will kill you!” Lexi screamed. Jerome put his arms around her.

     “Lexi, calm down. All she noticed was that I wasn’t American, so I pulled it off that I’m here on vacation, which we are, I might add,” Trent sighed.

     “See it’s all fine,” Jerome told her and kissed her temple. He saw the book and reached over Lexi to grab it, wanting to know what his best mate was reading now. When he opened it he saw it was written in and read: ‘Annabel!! Adam told me to give you a little extra since you’ll be working more hours. I though what better than the book?? I decided this one since you read the first and I actually read this one :O So don’t lose it or get grease on it!! Love ya, Kaysee’

     Confused, Jerome looked at Trent who was going through his suitcase looking for his iPod. He looked back down at the cover and couldn’t hold in his laughter. Trent looked back and got annoyed when he saw he was laughing at his book. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his suit case.

     “Mate, did Annabel also have a book?” Jerome gave a cheeky smile.

     “Yes she did. I’m not the only one…who…reads,” he said the last three words with pauses in-between them. He turned around slowly to face Jerome and Lexi, who was now looking at the book too. “I never told you her name,” he furrowed his eyebrows together.

     “Nope, you didn’t. Didn’t tell us you get her name either,” he sounded smug.

     “Because I didn’t think it was important. Is there an address in there so I can give it back and get mine?” He reached over to grab the book and didn’t get a chance to open it before it was ripped out of his hands.

     “No, I’ll go saying I’m your sister and you’re busy or something. You almost blew it today,” Lexi huffed.

     “Lexi for starters we look nothing alike. You’re tan with dark, curly hair and brown eyes. And don’t suggest Jerome either. He’s still darker than me with brown hair and blue eyes. Me, blonde hair and blue eyes. Part of how we look came up with the band name. Besides only my hat came off, not my sunglasses and she was too busy apologizing to notice who I might be,” Trent said exasperated.

     “I’ll take that back if you don’t mind,” he said, grabbing the book back again. “And good-night.” He shut the doors to his own room and collapsed on the bed. He decided he’d go in the morning to return the book since they had plans after lunch.

<3      I woke up with ten minutes to get to work the next morning. “Crap,” I muttered under my breath. I changed quickly and threw my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed a granola bar and the book I’d finished last night and the reason why I was running late. I ate while going down to the main floor and booked it when I got outside. ‘Kaysee is going to kill me,’ I thought to myself.

     I burst into the door fifteen minutes late yelling, “Sorry I’m late Kaysee! Fell asleep super and…” I stopped when the same guy from the other day was here, talking to Kaysee. “Um, hello again.”

     “I think we switched books the other day Annabel,” he smiled, handing my book back.

     “Right.” I dug through my bag looking for his book and finally found it. “Sorry about the other day and all the trouble,” I apologized again.

     “No worries. It’s no big deal. Not concussed and not being sued,” he chuckled. Definitely Irish. I just rolled my eyes at him. “Question though. Are you always late and come in yelling?” He raised an eyebrow curiously.

      “Actually no that was a first because if I’m being truthful, I read the book. I just couldn’t help myself, sorry. But wait how’d you know where I work though,” I asked skeptically.

      “Inside of the cover,” he said simply.

     Kaysee looked confused throughout the whole encounter. “Hold up,” she said breaking the silence that was starting to build. “You look very familiar. Why is that?” She squinted her eyes together and looked him up and down.

     He looked uncomfortable and pulled his hat down and pushed his sunglasses farther of his nose.  He shrugged, “Dunno. This is my first time here. I might just have one of those faces.” Kaysee bit her lip in frustration and walked back to the stock room. “Well I better get going. They’ll be wondering what’s taking so long. I’ll talk to you soon Annabel,” he winked before turning around and walking outside.

     Kaysee walked back out and announced, “Since I had no idea what was going on, you’re explaining while we restock.” I groaned, but honestly expected it.

    So the rest of the day I was explaining what had happened. She grilled me with questions that were so absurd I had to laugh. In between customers she picked the littlest detail possible and made it something huge.

     At closing time Kaysee left home to her boyfriend of six months and five year old son. Yep Kaysee was pregnant at her high school graduation. The guy ditched her when she told him and she hasn’t seen him since. “I’ll see you tomorrow at ten. I love how we open late on the weekends,” she sighed and grabbed her purse. “Don’t forget to lock the back!”

     I rolled my eyes and started cleaning up. Soon enough I got bored and grabbed my book. I reread what Kaysee wrote, laughing at how I already did something she told me not to. There was another little paragraph on the other side I hadn’t noticed before now. It read: Bored? Text me at 555-9318 don’t sue for this morning ;)

     I bust up laughing; realizing who it was in an instant. I went to the back to grab my phone. While back there I realized how eerily quiet it was, so I turned on the radio. I debated on whether or not to text him. But my curiosity got the best of me.

     Me: I should sue you for destroying my property XP

     ?: I was starting to think you never get bored Annabel lol and you wouldn’t :O

     Me: Course not haha I’m not sue happy like most of CA remember?

     ?: Glad to hear it’s still true ;)

     Me: Will you tell me your name now ??

     I waited a couple minutes for a reply, but didn’t get one. I sighed knowing he wasn’t going to give it just yet. I finished mopping and dusting the bottom floor and decided that was good for the night. He finally text back but nothing to do with my question. Avoiding it…figures.

      ?: What are your hours??

      Me: Sun-Sat 10-6 Mon-Fri 8-4 but the next two hours I work two hours later why???

     ?: Want to hang out with someone new ;)

     Me: Haha all right but have fun working around my schedule :P

     ?: I’ll find a way…trust me I’m good at it J what are you doing

     Me: Walking home debating on what to eat and you??

     ?: Watching tv  favorite color

     The rest of the night was just us asking questions and telling stories of when we were little. It was interesting to realize how similar we were knowing he lives in Ireland. Time passed by fast and I knew I had to go to sleep, so we said goodnight. I picked up Snickers, letting her sleep on the bed this one night.

*-*-*-*-*-* Hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I won't upload that soon again because I'm giving my notebook to a friend to read but when I get it back I'll type some more and post it :)

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