All this time, Leo only dealt with his problems, not once mentioning what she was going through.

"What?" Leo asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

The playful smirk returned to his face as he decided that Leo didn't need pity, she needed a reason to believe in herself again.

Without a word, Tom wrapped his hands around her waist and hoisted her up on his shoulder. Leo's breath hitched in her throat as it took her a few seconds to register what was happening.

"Tom, put me down," she said in a low, threatening voice.

"Or what?" He challenged.

When she didn't reply, Tom frowned. If it was any other time, Leo would jump out of his arms and plummet down the stairs to her death even if it meant that she was wining an argument.

Tom placed her on the ground once he reached in front of the shower room.

"Go in. You stink," Tom said and scrunched up his nose. Leo rolled her eyes at the insult.

"This is a waste of time. I'm going back."

Tom grabbed her collar before she could even take one step. She sighed in defeat and looked up at him with half lidded eyes.

"Either you go in or I'll bathe you myself," Tom narrowed his eyes daring her to argue.

Leo chewed on her lips while staring back at the boy. A second later, she smacked his forehead, "Pervert."

Tom rubbed the injured area to soothe the pain, "What was that for?"

"What am I supposed to wear?" Leo asked as she pulled at her old shirt and fuzzy trousers that had become quite dirty.

"You are lucky that the old man is rich," Tom grumbled and produced a dress which Leo snatched from his hand without even inspecting it. She slammed the doors behind her making Tom shake his head.

The boy climbed downstairs to the dining hall to see his father sipping on his tea. He was scheming through the news paper like his life depended on it.

Tom was reluctant in entering the area as he was still not used to the presence of his father but he needed to prepare food for Leo.

Mr Riddle perked up as soon as he noticed Tom.

"Good morning," Mr Riddle wished.

Tom merely shot him a side glance accompanied by a firm nod.

"Did the girl wake up?"

Tom bit the inside of his cheeks. He couldn't avoid the incoming conversation. Therefore, he sat down on the furthest chair while looking quite awkward.

"Yes. She is currently in the shower."

"Right," Mr Riddle hummed, "Poor child. The fates were not kind upon her."

Yes, Mr Riddle knew all about Leo. It was her decision. She didn't want to hide anything anymore. But Tom suspected that she just wanted to scare the man so that he would kick her out of the house. Tom was glad that the exact opposite thing had happened.

𝕲𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈[𝕬 𝕿𝖔𝖒 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞]Where stories live. Discover now