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immortality would be worse than death

CHAPTER THIRTY TWO— immortality would be worse than death

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IMMORTALITY. Rhea didn't quite understand why anyone would ever want to be immortal — to live forever sounded as though it would be a curse rather than a blessing, She knew it was something her mother had dabbled in since she created a Horcrux that had, somehow, been destroyed before Rhea killed her, but the concept of immortality wasn't popular amongst Hel's. Her gaze flickered between the book and Tom as he watched each of them. She wondered what had prompted this and why he of all people would want to live forever.

"You want to be immortal?" Astrea asked. Rhea could hear the apprehension in her tone as she looked up to the boy. Each of the Knights exchanged silent looks with each other.

"What do you all know about becoming immortal?" Tom asked, ignoring Astrea's question. The Ravenclaw visibly bristled and readjusted in her seat as Tom stared at their blank faces. Rhea rolled her eyes as silence filled the room and Tom's dark gaze began to bore into her face.

"It's nearly impossible to make yourself immortal." Rhea said. She could see everyone turn to watch their exchange as Tom let out a low, bitter chuckle.

"Nearly." Tom said. Rhea narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't care if she was one of Tom's 'Knights', he would never be someone she viewed as her leader. His gaze hardened when she didn't offer him any information.

"There's the Elixir of Life." Lupe's voice cut in. Tom forcefully dragged his stare away from Rhea while the girl crossed her arms over chest and stared at the boy seated close to Tom. He reclined in his chair and lazily twirled his jagged wand between his fingers. "It was created by Nicholas Flamel and it can make the drinker immortal, as well as turn any metal into gold."

"The Elixir doesn't grant true immortality." Rhea cut in. Lupe's jaw tightened at the sound of her voice, but he didn't look in her direction. "You can still die even if you drink the potion because it only extends your lifespan. You have to drink it for all eternity, it doesn't rejuvenate your youth —"

"Well, do you have any suggestions?" Cassius snapped. Rhea glared at the boy.

"Nothing grants true immortality." Rhea stated calmly.

"What about — oh, what was it? — Unicorn blood?" Druella asked, lifting her head. Avida shook her head.

"Unicorn blood extends life too and you'd be cursed for the rest of your life if you drink it. It's only for those who have nothing left to lose." Avida said. Tom let out a disgruntled noise.

"There has to be something —"

"Why?" Rhea asked. Tom's head snapped to her, taken aback by the question. The other Knights exchanged looks with one another. Why. No one ever asked Tom that question until now. Rhea didn't seem to realize the gravity of the situation as she calmly stared into Tom's eyes without wavering. In his gaze, she saw something flicker — the most human emotion she'd probably seen in Tom's eyes. It stunned her so much her brows pulled together. It was fear. Suddenly, Rhea understood — Tom was afraid to die.

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