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consider the end

CHAPTER TWELVE— consider the end

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      "DO YOU THINK DRUELLA'S GOING TO BE OKAY?" Walburga asked them over breakfast. Rhea drank orange juice from her goblet and looked at Walburga from the top of her cup. Walburga had a perplexed expression on her face and Rhea knew why — Druella and Walburga were best friends with one another. It was no surprise that Walburga was more worried than anyone else about the girl.

The effects of the spell had worn off two days prior, but there was a notable change in Druella's demeanor that Rhea was about to be forced to take care of. Lately, Druella had been isolating herself from everyone and looking worse for wear. Rhea had forgotten how weak some people could be and Druella was proving to be the weakest link of their group. Rhea was pondering whether or not she needed to threaten Druella again to get her in line when Davina said —

"Who cares?" Davina rolled her eyes when the girls turned to look at her. Persephone stopped eating her cereal while Seraphina closed her eyes, looking as though she was about to get a headache. Walburga, on the other hand, looked livid. "She's probably faking the whole thing to get out of class, which only hurts her seeing as O.W.L.s are coming up soon. We all know Druella's an attention seeker."

Rhea glanced at Walburga and found her shaking with rage while Davina drank her tea. Rhea caught Walburga's eye and nodded her head, urging Walburga to say something to Davina to see what would happen. 

"I wouldn't be so careless when speaking if I were you, Davina," Walburga said coldly. Rhea hid her budding smile behind her hand as Davina's eyes snapped back to Walburga. Davina was silently seething when Walburga continued, "We may be your friend, but don't forget that you're still a Selwyn."

It was a greater insult than most would understand and Rhea felt triumphant at the way Davina's face paled. It was as she said before — Blacks and Rosiers had more pull than the Selwyns did. If House Hel had been included in the Sacred Twenty-Nine, Rhea was confident that her family's status would've exceeded all of them, but alas . . .

Davina grinded her teeth together but didn't say anything more. 

"What are you doing over Easter holiday, Rhea?" Persephone asked, turning the attention away from Walburga and Davina, who were both too angry at the other to speak. Seraphina nodded her head, eager to know as well.

"Well . . ." Her eyes trailed down the table where she saw Jasper approaching her, an envelope in hand. Rhea perked up. Tom followed through on the deal after all. "I believe we're about to find out."

Persephone and Seraphina looked over their shoulder as Jasper appeared behind them.

"Hello, ladies," Jasper said, smiling charmingly at them. Seraphina batted her eyelashes at the boy and Jasper turned his attention over to Rhea. "Rhea, my mother would like to extend an invitation for you and your family to attend our annual Easter celebration."

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