I kneel beside him Minho. His eyes are now open, but they stare blankly at the dark ceiling. I grab his shoulders. "Minho! Are you okay!?"

He blinks. "...What happened..."

"You, uh— I think you got struck by lightning..."

"No shit!" He says, a smile forming on his face. "That's pretty cool." His voice his super faint, but filled with amusement.

I laugh and pat his arms. "Yeah... he's gonna be fine," I whisper.

Frypan and Aris help him up to his feet. "Thanks guys," Minho mentions.

I nod. I'm so thankful he's okay. It seems like a miracle.

"Hey... guys," I turn around to face the owner of the voice, Teresa. "What's that smell...?"

I walk over and stand next to her, questioning what she's smelling. "What do you—"

Without warning another one of those zombie like creatures jumps out at Teresa and I, while screaming bloody murder.

Everyone screams in fear. I swear I nearly had a heart attack. My arms are literally shaking so brutally.

Just then more and more start to jump out at us, yelling, screaming and throwing a fit. That's when I realize they're all chained up, so unless the chains were to break, we're sorta safe.

Thomas shines the flashlight on them, thrashing around like psychopaths animals. We all huddle together, scared for our lives as we stand there in shock.

Blood drips from their months, their eyes, and literally everywhere imaginable. Flaking white skin covers their faces and parts of their bodies seem to be unattached.

"I see you've met our guard dogs," a familiar voice says.

We draw our attention to a light that turned on, and a shadowy figure walking towards us. The figure stops in front of us and I almost immediately recognize the young girl. It's still so dark, and I can barely see her so maybe it's nothing.

"You guys look like shit," she says with a small smile. I couldn't help but agree.

When nobody says anything, she continues to talk. "Come on. Follow me."

Everyone is shocked as hell, either because we all nearly had heart attacks from that jump scare or because this odd girl just referred to literal zombies as "guard dogs" and continues to talk to us like they aren't even in the room.

"Unless you wanna stay here with them."

I look at Thomas before being the first to follow her. I don't know what it is... but I trust her. I guess it's just the fact that she seems so familiar to me. Everyone else then hesitates before following me.

We then quickly squeeze past the hideous creatures. "Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you."

"Who the hell's Jorge?" Minho questions.

"You'll see. No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious. And me, too."

We climb up a narrow staircase and into a large room, with men sitting on couches and one man in particular who stands facing the window.

"Anyone else getting a bad feeling about this place?" I hear Minho whisper.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas responds quietly.

"Jorge, they're here."

When the girl turns around I can see her more clearly in the light. I furrow my eye brows together trying to piece together my memories on where she's from. I can't help but think, who the hell is this girl?
Her eyes lock with mine, and I quickly watch as the widen and her jaw slightly drops.

"... Teddy..." she whispers. "Teddy! Oh my god!" A smile appears on her face, spreading from ear to ear and she walks over and stands in front of me.

I blush as all the attention is drawn to me. "Jorge!" She says.

The man by the window turns around to face us, and I watch as his eyes widen and his jaw drop. He swiftly walks over and stands beside Brenda.

"Is it really you, hermana?" He smirks and shakes his head. "I didn't think we'd meet again."

I open my mouth to speak, but the girl takes the words right out of my mouth. I see her face grow with disappointment, "Your memories— did they take em?"

I nod sadly. I want to remember them so badly. "I'm sorry." I know it must be painful for them to know that the only way I view them now is as complete strangers. Who knows what we used to be.

Jorge frowns and shakes his head, then walks back up to the window. "Do ever feel like the whole world's against you?"

I look around at my friends in shock. What the actual hell is happening.

Ahhh it's getting good you just wait.

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum