Chapter 29

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Jane sitting down on her sofa, eyes staring at her phone.

It had been 24 hours since she couldn't reach jisoo. She had call all of her friends asking about jisoo where being, but all of them didn't have any slightly clue.

She dial seulgi number, hoping the bear will find jisoo soon.

" Seulg, did you find her?"

She hear seulgi sigh at the other line.

" I went to all places that she usually go, but there's no sight of her at all jane."

" Did you know what happened before she disappear?"  Seulgi asked.

" She went to pick a call from lisa, since then I couldn't contact her at all. And I called lisa too, but she said that she called jisoo only asking her to buy some food when she back home."

" That's strange, jisoo is not a type who would disappear without telling anyone like this, let alone she was still on a dated with you."

" I don't know seul! What if something happened to her?"

" Jane calm down first, me and irene will continues to ask around. Don't worried and get some rest okay?"

" Okay, thank you so much seul ahh "

Then she hung up, laying helplessly on the sofa.

" Jane" Her mom called.

" Yeah " She barely open her mouth.

" What is your relationship with jisoo?"

Hearing a said name, she instantly get up.

" Why are you asking like this?"

" Are you guys dating?" Her mom firmly asked.

" what if we're dating?"

" Rubyjane ! " Chaerin raised her voice.

" I love her mom, I hope you won't stop me from seeing her "

" You ---"

The bell rang interrupt their conversation. Chaerin huff in irritated, but went to get the door anyway.

The door fly open, chaerin stood root at her spot.

Jane look at her mom frowned, chaerin look stunned and pale, and then a familiar voice ring to her ears.

" Excuse me Mrs.Kim ! Can I see Rubujane for a second?"

She instantly shot up from her seat and went to the door.

" JISOO" She run into her arms, which jisoo gladly accept it.

" Where have you been, I have been looking at you everywhere" She holding jisoo's face.

" Uh jane calm down, I'll explain but your mom is watching us right now " She glance at her mom shocked face.

She too engulf with a present of jisoo, she forget that her mom is here too.

" Come inside first " She dragged jisoo in the living room, completely ignored her mom.

"sit here" She pointed to a chair with a smile. 

Jisoo smiled back at her and quietly sat on her chair.

But jane didn't miss her bandaged hand, though she only managed to see a tiny glimpse of it because Jisoo hid it almost immediately.

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