3: One Eventful Day

Start from the beginning

The drive to the shopping centre was short and once we were there it only took us a few minutes to find a car park close to the entrance.

"Are there any shops that you would like to have a look in first?" I asked.

Moments later, I was bombarded with a list of shops she wanted to go and visit.

We left the first shop with two bags each, the second shop with one bag, the third shop with another bag and so on.

A few hours had passed before we were finished shopping.

Tori took a deep breath as she put her seat belt on. "Thank you for a good day, I do not get to do this often because mum is always working, and Caleb never wants to go shopping. It is nice to have another girl in the house."

"Well, I am going to be here for three weeks so we can go shopping whenever you want and when I have to go back home you can just give me a call and I will come and pick you up" I said as I smiled towards her.

"Really? That would be so cool" she exclaimed.

The drive was short and before I knew it, we were pulling back into the driveway.

"Hey Tori, who's car is that?" I asked after spotting the familiar red convertible in the driveway.

"It is Chloe's, she comes here a lot. Her and Caleb hang out all the time."

Suddenly it clicked. The car was familiar because it was Chloe Brown's car. Chloe was a part of my past and the most popular girl at my school. It was known to everyone that her and Caleb have casual hook-ups.

"Great" I muttered under my breath as we walked up to the front door.

With a swift twist of the key, I opened the door and stepped inside. I instantly saw Chloe walking down the stairs. Her straight, orange hair cascaded down her back which complimented her pale skin. She was gorgeous yet her personality was ugly, something I learnt years ago. She wore a tight white top that looked about three sizes to small and an extremely short skirt.

"What are you doing here?!" she yelled walking down the stairs.

"Well, I am definitely not here for a booty call unlike some people."

"You cannot speak to me life that, you know who I am Bianca."

"Yeah, I know exactly what type of girl you are, but I don't think I should say it around children" I smiled sweetly.

Chloe walked towards me and stopped once she was only centimetres away from me. "You need to shut up."

"How about you take a step back before I do something I will regret" I sneered.

"Caleb cares about me, he is mine so stay away from him you attention seeking w..."

I suddenly cut her off. "Watch your language, she does not need to hear that" I said gesturing towards a wide-eyed Tori.

"But I find it extremely cute that you think Caleb only spends time with you" I smirked.

"You should watch yourself Bianca. Just remember who runs our school. I could make your life a living hell."

"Do not give yourself to much credit, its only High School" I scoffed.

"Can you both shut up, what the fuck is going on?" Caleb yelled from the top of the stairs.

I rolled my eyes at his language, knowing that his sister is standing right here. By the way that the curse word just rolled off of his tongue without a moment's hesitation, I can tell that she is used to hearing him swear.

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