fare well

4 1 2

i'm bad at the part 

where things come to an end. 

i can't bear to send 

away a friend 

I'd rather escape 

around a bend 

and not face it 

and play pretend. 

for us, the barrier is what separates 

glassy, bright and full of gates 

but a poem is what began to negate 

the large expanse of empty space 

and it created a connection 

and here we are today. 

images filter through your minds 

and I've found you've loved it, many a time 

but it's come to the time, 

where i say goodbye? 


(good)bye is a cut off 

a harsh pair of scissors hacking

 away at the rope that ties us close 

and it watches us float

away into oblivion. 

I'd prefer "farewell" 

do well, fare well, 

stay in good health 

until we meet again 

I tell you to 

wait for a new horizon. 

as the tide comes in 

it washes away the 

newness of the tattoos 

on the beach's skin, 

embeds it within 

and leaves you with a memory. 

I hope my departure is akin to the tides: 

we'll meet again 

where the moon resides 

and the time is nigh 

for the coming of the tide. 

a/n: I forgot to post last thursday, i was thinking about how to do this properly >.<. the next chapter will be more conclusive, thanks for reading :D

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