Morning After

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*It's a long chapter and this has smut/ NSFW warning so if you don't like that when you see this ⚠ skip till you see the next one

3rd person POV:

It was about 9 in the morning when the guys were waken up by a very loud and abrupt noise.


A person screamed at the boys to wake them up instantly which worked

"AAHHH!!" both boys screamed falling off the now really small bed that they slept on

"It's been Ten years since either of you were in my class, hell one of you became number 1 Hero and this is how you repay me?"

A voice that sounded very familiar to both boys and then it hit them who it was.

"Aizawa-sensei ?" both of them said at the same time looking up to see who was talking

"Well who else would have the dumb luck on finding you two in bed together, jesus Midoriya didn't you just get a divorce?

"Yeah but that is a whole different story" Izuku said getting up off the floor to realize that all he had on was boxers.

"SIT DOWN! And Bakugou I thought you were still closeted?"

"I am. Wait how'd you know I was gay?" Katsuki screamed all flustered due to accidently coming out to his old teacher

"I had a hunch during your second year but it wasn't confirmed till the video was spread around it was very obvious."

"It was that obvious?" Izuku asked with a bit of concern for Bakugou

"Don't worry the only people who actually knew it was Bakugou were Nezu, AllMight, Present Mic, and I. Vlad had no clue, neither did the student body, well except Mina and Kirishima."

"Wait what are you talking about, what is he talking about?" Izuku asked Katsuki with a deep tone.

"You didn't tell him, wow and here I thought I was the bad one from keeping info from you."

"WELL OBVIOUSLY NOT AIZAWA, look ZU I swear I was going to tell you but I didn't know how. Just promise you won't get mad" Katsuki said with and intense look of worry washing over his face

"Well I can't really promise anything, especially now that it seems like you've been keeping info from me for over 10 years" Izuku said with a bit of anger

"Okay look when the video started going around Kirishima tol-"


Bakugou was interrupted by one of the new security guards who thought that Aizawa was in danger.

"Eraser! I thought I heard screaming?"

"You did but not from me" Aizawa stated pointing at both hero's who happened to practically be naked only with boxers on and a sheet over their shoulders

"Oh sorry was I interrupt something? Wait they look familiar Eraser wher-"

"Okay that's enough out of you, I called off security I can handle these two just fine on my own now leave" Aizawa told the guard with a stern voice

"Oh a okay I'll be going then see ya"

"Look I won't say anything to Nezu that you were here if you come visit my class understand?"

"I don't know Aizawa-sensei. I don't know about Kat but I have a busy schedule it's kinda hard to get myself some alone time"

"Same here I may not be number one but it's too damn hard to get some time for myself"

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