Chapter 33

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There were total of 9 cards, Mahir was surprised seeing them. Once she told him to open it he opened the cards one by one, each one of them handwritten, written by her on his birthday for the past 6 years, and two of them were valentine's day cards pouring her feelings for him which she stopped writing after coming to know about Mahir's relationship. Mahir looks at Bela shocked "Belaa....", She gives him a small smile "I know you are shocked to know this... But today I wanted to tell you everything", Mahir was still in shock to know that she had feelings for him not just after their marriage but from before, even before his marriage to Anu, not even that it was even before he confessed about his relationship to the family.

She smiles looking elsewhere "You know Mahir ji... I didn't even realise when I fell in love with you... I kept thinking it's just a crush...and that I just like's not love until recently I realised that it's always been love... It's always been only you.. I don't know if you remember this also Mahir ji... probably you don't it's something that happened more than 6 years ago.. but I can never forget it.. that's where everything started for me... There was a little boy whom you were helping to bring down a kite which was stuck in the branches of a tree... That time you didn't care that you are the future CEO of Sehgal group of companies... you didn't mind getting muddy just to help that little boy... And the smile you had seeing the little boy happy made my heart flutter for the first time✨"

Mahir was listening to her intently, she continued "but there was never a time you would look at me..I didn't mind... I was happy seeing you smile from afar...your one smile was enough to make my whole day... I know that you run an NGO for strays and also one for homeless elderly people, women and children which nobody not even the family knows about... I know you go there on your birthdays and that's where you celebrate your birthday". Mahir was shocked nobody knew this not his friends nor family "But how...", She just smiles "I wanted to know everything associated with you... So I would follow can say stalk you... Sorry Mahir ji... So I came to know about this... You know Mahir ji I followed you so much... Yet I didn't even have the slightest idea about your relationship... I was happy in my own little bubble filled with you and your smiles💞.. but every bubble breaks right so did my little bubble🙃"

A drop of tear falls from her eyes on her cheeks, Mahir wipes it off looking at her "Two years later... I was so happy and excited that day I wanted to tell Vish.. I wanted to tell you what I felt... But then...",

Flashback begins,

Bela and Vish were at their college canteen after classes, Bela was full of smiles that day, she had made up her mind to tell Vish about what she felt for Mahir. They were sitting and having their cheese sandwich and chocolate milkshake, "I want to tell you something" they both said at the same time. They both laugh looking at each other, Bela "Okay you first", Vish "No you first", Bela "Vishi you tell first mine is a long story", Vish smiles "Okay fine I'll go first... Mahir Bhai is getting married".

Bela was shocked "Whatt...", Vish was smiling thinking about her brother's marriage "Yes Beluuu... Yesterday Bhai introduced his girlfriend Anushka Bhabhi to everyone... Everyone was so happy you know... Mumma and Papa are looking for dates for their marriage". Her little heart broke hearing this, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes but she couldn't show it infront of Vish, she put up a smile and looked at Vish "Wow Vishi that's so great... But he has a girlfriend?", Vish smiles "Yeah.. even I was surprised... He kept it secret yaar...they have been in relationship for 4 years". Bela's eyes again well up hearing it, she tries hard to control her tears, she gives a small smile to Vish "That's great Vishi...accha it's getting late I need to go".

Vish looks at her "Arre you had something to tell na", "No Vish it's nothing important we'll talk tomorrow". Vish noticed the sudden change in Bela's behavior "What happened Bela... Something wrong?", Bela tries to smile "Nothing Vishi... Just getting a headache", Vish looks at her still not convinced "Are you sure?", Bela "Yes Vish don't worry.. Accha you also leave it's getting late", Vish nods and they both leave to their respective cars. Once inside the car Bela breaks down completely, her tears keep pouring non stop, she tries to stop them but they just keep pouring. She keeps trying to convince herself that it was just a crush and she would forget him with passing time.

Flashback ends.

Just like that day, her eyes keep pouring fresh hot tears thinking about that day. Mahir's eyes also glisten when he realises that he had broken her little heart without even knowing about it. He keeps wipes her tears "I'm sorry baby... I made you cry... I broke your heart...I'm sorry". She looks at him "Mahir ji you didn't know..why are you saying sorry", Mahir looks at her holding her cheeks "Whatever it was Bela I caused it.. even if I didn't know...I made you cry cried for me... Because of me". She shakes her head "No Mahir didn't.. it was just the situation.. and you loved her I couldn't come into your life by force right".

"I didn't want to create any confusion in your life Mahir ji... I saw how happy you were with her and getting married to her.. your smile was enough for me...I convinced myself that when you are happy I should be happy... So I just stayed away from your wedding and everything related to it... That's when Ajit bhai came to know what I felt for you... I had already convinced myself that it's just a crush and that I shouldn't cry but when he asked me I broke down like a baby... He and Vikrant were the ones who cheered me up.. the only ones who knew what I felt for you

You were so happy with the wedding Mahir ji.. I understood how in love you were with I stayed away I stopped coming to Sehgal Mansion frequently... Then I came to know about your were heartbroken after that... seeing you sad and broken... made my heart ache...I wanted to do everything to make you happy again and see that smile on your face.. I wanted to hug you and console you but I couldn't.. so I tried the little things I could... you would smile seeing those.. your smile even for a second brought me happiness", Mahir interrupts her "Bela it was you who kept those smileys.. sticky notes... And roses...I thought someone in the family was doing it to make me smile", she nods and smiles "Anything to make you smile Mahir ji".

She continues "Then you again started spending time with family...I was happy.. atleast that a part of you is trying to be happy... when you said yes to get married I was the happiest..that you are trying to move on...I wanted you to be happy it didn't matter to me who the person is but your happiness is all that matters.. I never expected that Papa will come to dad with the proposal.. I was elated I was literally jumping in air... And when you said yes I was on cloud nine.. but then you said that we will go our separate ways in hurt I wanted to be with you forever.. tell you that you are the only man I want in my life when you asked me..but I stopped myself... I didn't want to force fit myself into your life...

You know Mahir ji after Tara told me about your meeting with Anushka after the divorce... I just wished that if I could get even 1% of that love which you had for her I will be the happiest.. it would hurt when you try to push me away from you but I knew it's not easy for you to move on..nor can I expect anything from you so easily.. but then you started your little steps towards me I was happy.. you started being your old self.. everyone was happy... I couldn't have been happier...and then you said you wanted to continue this marriage... Honestly Mahir ji I didn't want anything else other than that.. everything I wanted came true that day❤️... You accepted me...that was more than enough for me❤️.. I love you Mahir ji💖"

Mahir's tears drop continuously and he pulls her into a hug "Bela how much love will you keep pouring on me... Haan... you kept pouring love on me without expecting anything in return.. I don't know Bela if I will ever be able to love you like you love me... My love for you is nothing in front of yours... How can you be like this baby... I love you❤️... I love you so much💖". He comes out of the hug and looks at her, he wipes her tears while she wipes his "You were the reason for my smiles even when I was broken.. your little motivating sticky notes.. your stupid jokes.... those smileys... Roses...all made me smile... They were something I needed badly at the time.. I know I can't change whatever happened but I promise you baby I will from now shower so much love on you that you will forget all your tears".

He kisses her forehead "I love you Jaan❤️", her heart skips a beat as he calls her 'Jaan', she kisses his cheek "I love you Mahir ji❤️". He pulls her closer into his embrace while she rests her head on his chest hugging him, they both drift into sleep peacefully after pouring all the feelings in their heart. They both were at peace, they were home in eachother's arms, this was enough for them, their hearts were overwhelmed with the feeling of love.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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