Chapter 5

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The next day morning as planned Mahir goes to Vaidehi Nivas to pick up Bela. Bela was a complete nervous wreck thinking of spending the day with Mahir and to top of it off Ajitabh wasn't of any help, he continued teasing her making her more nervous "Bhai please I'm already nervous why are you doing this...please spare me only for the day", Ajitabh chuckles "Offo Beluuuu I can tease you now only at such times...then you will go to your Mahir...(he wipes his invisible tears) and forget can I tease you then...then your Mahir ji will come to support you and kick me can I leave the opportunity I have now" Bela laughs at his talks "You are mad Bhai...and Vish is making you more dramatic". Just then Aarthi calls her "Bela Mahir is here", All her nervousness and excitement comes rushing back now that Mahir is here, Ajitabh looks at her and hugs her "Don't worry baby...calm's not like he is going to eat you up...don't panic baby and give him some time...have fun go", he kisses her forehead and sends her out.

Bela goes down to the living room where Mahir was waiting for her, Vishal sees Bela coming down "Ohh there is my princess", she smiles looking at her dad and then gives a small smile to Mahir. Vishal smiles "Okay children...go along spend your time together...bye bye", Aarthi "Mahir Beta will you have", Ajitabh also comes down "Mahir Bela makes amazing should try it", Bela shakes her head "It's not so great...bhai is just exaggerating", Mahir smiles "I think I'll try it Bela", Bela nods smiling and goes to make coffee for everyone. Bela makes her special coffee for Mahir, she smiles thinking that Mahir asked for her coffee, this is the best start of the giving him coffee every morning ☕...thank you Maa and bhai for bringing up the coffee...(she takes in the aroma of the coffee)...I hope he likes it. She pours the coffee for everyone and takes it to them, she keeps looking at Mahir expecting him to say something, Mahir smiles and looks at her "Ajit is right...your coffee is amazing Bela...I might just get addicted to this coffee of yours if I keep drinking it", she smiles feeling content with his compliment "Thank you", her dad smiles "Don't worry Mahir my princess will make coffee for you daily...don't worry about getting you will get your lifetime supply of my princess's handmade coffee". Mahir looks elsewhere and gives a small smile, I'm sorry uncle...I can't let you know the truth...this isn't going to be for a lifetime...I'm sorry for shattering your hopes on me, he looks at Bela with a small smile "Umm can we leave", Bela just nods.

Later that day, Mahir had dropped Bela back home, all her excitement with which she had gone to meet Mahir had died down after talking to Mahir. She sits down looking out the window at the garden, She felt devastated hearing everything that Mahir had to say, her eyes prick with tears, why Mahir don't even want to I that bad...I thought you would give us a fair chance but you shut the door even before it opened...but I'm not giving up so easily Mahir ji...(she wipes her tears) don't know how determined Bela is...I know you loved your ex-wife but she left you it's her loss Mahir ji that she couldn't be with a great person like you...I don't know if you will ever look at me as your wife but I can try right...I know it's not easy for you I'll try my best Mahir ji...I hope you will also understand me in the upcoming days. Mahir on the other hand was in his room, he was finally feeling content that he had poured out what he wanted to Bela, finally I feel relieved...I spoke everything out...Bela does deserve someone who can love her like no other...I always thought that she is just as childish and immature at times like Vish but she is different...thank god dad suggested Bela I don't think so it would have been easy with anyone else...I can understand it's not going to be easy for her also but I know she will help me out and I'll do anything to make it easy for her. Days passed by, all the preparations for the wedding were happening in full swing, Vish and Ajitabh were enjoying their wedding preparations, all the shopping was done just a week left for the wedding.

The next day was their engagement ceremony, the engagement was taking place in the Sharma's farmhouse in ECR (East Coast Road).

All the guests had started arriving for engagement and soon both the grooms were brought to the stage, Ajitabh was impatiently waiting for Vish, he was not allowed to see her since the morning so he had been yearning to see her, Mahir on the other hand was just waiting for the ceremony to be over with, he was just talking to his best friend Vyom "Mahir did you talk to your would be wife", Mahir nods "Yeah I did...I told her everything...about this being a namesake temporary relationship...she has agreed", Vyom looks at him and shakes his head "Come on Mahir you could atleast give a chance to this relationship...get to know her...just because of one person you can't push away every girl that enters in your life Mahir", Mahir smiles a little "You know me more than anyone...I did think of giving marriage and everything a chance again but what happened again same thing...I trusted her again I got the same betrayal...once hurt twice careful...I have been given the same wound twice what do you even expect me to do Vyom...I know Bela seems different but she is still young she hasn't seen or been through everything that I have...not that I want her to...I want her to live her life happily and that cannot be with me...she will get her happy life once these 3 months are over", Vyom smiles sadly and pats his back "I still think you should give Bela and your relationship a chance...maybe there is a chance it might work out...maybe Bela will understand your situation and feelings...but all this can happen only if you are willing to take a chance's just my opinion rest I leave it upto you", Mahir nods and looks elsewhere trying to bring his emotions, his aching heart under control.

Just then both the brides were brought to the stage, Ajitabh was stunned seeing Vish, finally his love was one step closer to becoming his wife, they both were elated, their hearts were dancing with happiness. Mahir who was busy talking with Vyom and his two year old daughter, his words get stuck in his throat on seeing Bela, his heart flutters for the first time after a really long time, his throat dries up seeing her, his words doesn't come out no matter how much he tries, she was looking like an angel descended from heaven in her white lehenga. Bela just goes and stands next to Mahir, he couldn't avert his eyes from her, he was not sure what is happening to him, he comes out of his trance when Kuhu came on stage "Hello everyone". Mahir looks elsewhere, what am I this is wrong...I can't look at her like this...I should stay away from her. Kuhu continues talking "So here we are for the engagement of my brother and sister...let's begin the ceremony", the rings were brought and both the bride and groom exchange their rings. Now both the couple's were engaged, one because of the love they have for eachother and the other for their parents.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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