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Last night had seemed like a dream to Vidar. He was shocked, speechless. He couldn't said anything at all after the invitation. He only had his mouth shut for the whole entire time. Isle's eyes was shaken by his silence, thinking if he had ever changed his mind.

"I'll give you some time to think first. I know you needed that." Isle had said to him before she walked off to join the others. Vidar watched her walked away before she turned to look at the sea again. He could only smile subtly. Instead of the coolness of the breeze, he remained warm. He desired for that. He was surprised by Isle's roundabout. Her tone of decisiveness has ignited something else in his heart. He wanted that, and it had became true for him. But as usual, Vidar suspected she was hiding something, but he could have never predicted what. Plus, he knows himself that he was too, hiding a bigger secret than any other thing that could surpassed it. He sighed, but it was best for him to think about this later than now. He walked towards the tribe and would like to enjoy the night with pleasure. He and Isle had made eye contact but Isle could only nodded and smile before she turned back to Emily to continue their usual chatter.

Vidar stared at her for a while, she was beautiful. He always think that of her, but a part of him worried for her. Billy gave a subtle cough to signal Vidar that he was next to him. Billy realised that Vidar has feelings for Isle, but he let them sorted it out themselves. Though, something in him act as a father for Isle. While knowing all this secrets of Isle, he was worried and couldn't stop thinking about it, he would do anything to keep her safe, even if it will cost him his relationship with her as a father figure. "Vidar, how are you enjoying the night?" He questioned with a smile, while passing a glass of unknown alcohol to Vidar. Vidar reciprocates while he shrug all his thoughts away. "Good, very good Billy. Thanks again for inviting me." He replied taking a sip of the alcohol while scowl his face with utter disdain for the taste of it. He never liked them. "Not into alcohol, eh?" Billy asked. Vidar only chuckled. "I am sorry, it's the only thing I am not good at." Vidar stated, smiling sheepishly. "Why did you asked about the great wolf during the story?" Billy asked with curiousness flares in his eyes. Vidar's eyes changed quickly than Billy thought. It was the look of fear.
"Nothing, I heard of him from a book."
"A book?" Billy asked again, with sheer curiosity.
"Yeah, a book. He was a great myth." Vidar replied unapologetically. Which gave Billy a laugh.
"Oh son, I wish that he was." Billy said as he walked away to join the others. It had given Vidar a shudder just to think about it. He decided to call it a day and went home afterwards without letting anyone know. As he walked in the shadows, he watched Isle that seemed as if she was looking for someone and it was him. But he never knew that.


The streets were filled with crowds who were on a sightseeing tour around Volterra. Carlisle was casually walking around, blending in the with the humans. At night, the place looked livelier. Lights were decorated with ornaments along the street. Tourists simply stopped at every shops to see whatever they have. Carlisle was slightly nervous, he hadn't been back here in so many years but the buildings stay the same after so many decades. He was surprised that the Volturi was keeping this place clean and well-preserved. Carlisle was almost at the Volturi's castle when he saw an unfamiliar man walked in the same direction as him. The man was tall, taller than any average human, taller than him. He was beautiful with blue alluring eyes that had captivate Carlisle for a moment, it was unnatural for him to feel that way. He sensed an unfamiliar feeling when he's around him. The man kept an eye contact with Carlisle who was surprisingly curious as to why his eye colours are different despite realising he was like Aro and the others.
"You're one of them. Yet, so different." Baldr began. Carlisle was struck by realisation that he knew that he was a vampire.

"What gave it away?" Carlisle asked in return. Baldr did not answer but he smiled as he pushed the door and went inside. Carlisle was worried as to why this man was a human but remained safely around with the Volturi. Carlisle took a moment outside and rethink about this. But he was in no position to back out from this matter that he had brought upon himself. He eyed around for a minute before he went inside. He walked along the corridors, the very same place as if nothing changed before he left. He loathe the Volturi, he never liked them in the very least, but they were smart and powerful. When he was still with the Volturi, every year, they would prepare an event, and they gathered all the human, tricked them into thinking they would see a grandeur performance, only to bring them to their doom when they started feeding on them. Carlisle was the only one who reluctant to do. So to avoid these killing, he hunt animals instead and feed on their blood instead. He then left the castle and went travelling. One by one he had met his sons and daughters, all who needed saviour and that was him. Carlisle walked tall and proud despite his fear for Aro who will see Isle in a minute. He doesn't have the gift of protecting his mind. But he knew whatever it was that Aro might have found, he would never dare to touch Isle. Not yet at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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