The Trap

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It was already evening at Isle's house. After she got home, she had never felt bliss rushing through her as she puts her head on the pillow, she had been watching Charlie all night. It was amazing how vampires gone through sleepless years, she thought, since a mere mortal can't even go days without rest. Her room was charmingly elegant, as a clean freak, Isle called herself, cleanliness was always her top priority. Her wooden table for sketching was filled with papers, pens, erasers. It was far off in the corner where she can get the most light from the window. The fairy lights were decorated in circles on the ceiling, she claimed it look like a moon at night. Giving her a calm and peace before sleeping. On the walls was painted a greyish blue hue, as grey made her feel calm. It was solemnly ironic since her walls were filled with morbid sketches she had made after Jessamine's passing. She never really want to take them down.

The sound of her phone was vibrating, filled with frantic text messages that keeps coming in. Isle groaned, as she was still feeling sleepy. "God, why?" She questioned. She was tired and everything she blurted out seemed senseless at times. But she started panicked as soon as she reads them.

Isle, I think my mom is in trouble! James have her! I heard her voice!

Isle, James called me, he told me not to bring anyone else.

But I need you to come. He will never see you coming. He's scared of you.

Please. Take the next flight out to Arizona. I'll send you the address.

Please don't tell anyone, not even Carlisle.

Isle typed a quick reply.

Bella. I know you're panicking, I am on my way. Just please don't do anything reckless. It might be a trap for all we know. Just calm down. I'm coming. Don't go anywhere.

Isle grunted in frustration after seeing all those texts. James was trapping her. But she was as curious as how James got Bella's mother involved with the situation. Isle chose to trust her instincts and James was trapping Bella to get to her. She was just seconds from calling Carlisle. But she was contemplating, if she ever got Carlisle involved, then Bella's mother would have been killed immediately. But Bella was right in a way. James would shudder from seeing Isle again, and maybe no one will get hurt if she intercepted between them. Isle wasted no time and began packing immediately. She had a quick shower, frantically taking random clothes with her. She quickly fetched her keys and ran to her 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 71. She turns on the ignition and sped of to the airport.

It took Isle some time just to arrive there at the airport but she wasted no time and purchased the ticket. She gulped the lump in her throat, she was feeling heavily burdened. She really wanted to send a text to Carlisle. The possibility of Bella's mom to be there was high, and if James found out the Cullens were now on their way to kill him, he would not hesitate to kill Bella's mom. Isle was in a dilemma. She thanked the deity as the next flight to Arizona was just 10 minutes away. When she walked to the gate, she had noticed someone very familiar. A lady, possibly in her 20's. She was wearing a long green floral cardigan. On her head was a pink scarf that usually someone whose bald would wear. Her back was facing Isle but Isle had recognized her immediately. "Jessamine?" Isle called out to the lady. But the lady kept walking, Isle was mindless walking catching up to her until she bumped into someone and accidentally had his bag fallen off from his shoulders. "I'm sorry." Isle quickly apologized to the ginger haired man, who smiled warmly at her. He was somewhere in his late 30's, Isle presumed. He had gorgeous deep blue set of eyes, Isle was attracted to him for a split second until she grabbed his bag and pass it to him and quickly look for the Jessamine's doppelganger. But she was nowhere in sight anymore. Isle let out a subtle groaned and nodded off at the man before running to the gate for the flight to Arizona. The man's eyes trail Isle's movement before she disappeared out of his sight. He let out a small small scoff and grinned entertained by his thoughts. He thought the small spark he had with the lady who bumped into him might be his chance of finding love but the thought drifted away as soon as he realized it was foolish. Maybe fate had another plan for him, he thought.

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