Behind The Truth

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Baldr wasn't exactly a fan of the Volturi. They were just his mere puppets that he could make use of. But that aside, he needed to find someone close to him. That person was valuable to him. His parents' greatest asset. A long living legend. He came down specifically looking for the person. But he arrived at an unknown place, a mansion, a castle. Whatever they call it here on earth. The portal of fate wasn't exactly helpful as well. It was rumored that the place that he was sent from the portal must have something to do with him. He just needed to search for objective, but as smart as he is, he was just too lazy and perhaps, he just wanted to get the job done, so he can go back to where he really came from.

Baldr watched the world outside the castle. As people roamed around at night, hanging, possibly having a romantic walks, and talks. He wished to be important to someone as well. But how could he, when his parents expects so much of him?

 But how could he, when his parents expects so much of him?

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The footsteps of a man was closing in on him. His black cape falls graciously on the floor. Baldr speaks, "I'm beginning to lose patience. I do think I'm wasting time here." Baldr slowly turned to face the man behind him.

"It takes patience to find a human too. Don't worry, my men are working on it as we speak. We don't sleep, you see. We've been awake for more than hundreds of years. Searching for a human is what we do best." Aro tried to convince him. The leader of Volturi had a sinister smile plastered all over him. "We aren't humans." Baldr glared at him before looking outside again. Aro only nodded at his cockiness.

"It truly is a shame

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"It truly is a shame." Baldr started again. "What is?" Aro replied while gazing the humans ourside the window in disdain. "That you have all this power to conquer a world, not even guns or machinery can ever blast you off from the face of this world. But you chose to be silent. It's truly low of you, Aro." Baldr shamed Aro for being so. Aro kept smiling through the humiliation trying to pleased his heart. "Oh well, they have 7 billion humans all over the world after all. We're merely a community. We have people in covens all around the world and we're small in quantity. But we still are a sacred community.Once the world knows, what would happened to us?" Aro questioned. "Surely that crossed that intelligent brain of yours?" He kept smiling though he was mocking him. Baldr can only laughed. He watched as a couple in flannel tshirts with their thick jackets covering them, spinning around the fountain, dancing to forever that they know they will have each other. Baldr looked away and closed his eyes for a second before turned to walk back to the shadows where they would always embrace him. Greeting him like how an old friend would do.

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