Part Seventeen

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Tis the End <3


Dusk had crept upon them, and Lev had been left to his own devices on the porch swing while Cyrus and Fax cleaned up the mess from dinner. It was two weeks since Silas had shown up, and things had settled again, as close to normal as they could be with Cyrus hounding Angela and a few other witches to help him find Sorin. Lev couldn't really say he minded Fax's cousin in the wind. That meant he wasn't here. Even if he did show up at least Lev could trust that Cyrus would be able to stop him from doing anything. Cyrus had managed it before, he could do it again.

Lev tipped his head back, absently patting the cat who'd jumped into his lap. The neighborhood was quiet as what little light there was faded into night. From inside, he could hear bright laughter from Fax, and an answering smile tugged at Lev's lips. For all the other things that had happened, Fax was happy, and Lev felt safe. Clearly the angels had no more interest in him, and the only demons interested in Lev had been Sorin.

The porch creaked. When Lev looked up, he found himself facing a cat the size of a large dog standing there, ears pricked. The ginger tabby tail swished over the ground, the only spot of color besides the orange ears, one of which gave a twitch as Fax laughed again. In the next moment there wasn't a cat at all, but Sorin, sporting an impressive split lip and an equally impressive black eye.

They watched each other for a long moment before Sorin said quietly, "I suppose I owe you an apology."

"You suppose?" Lev asked, even as his heartbeat picked up. To his surprise, Sorin just gave a low laugh.

"Yeah, I reckon I do. Many times over." He reached up to ruffle his hair self consciously, and winced halfway there. "Not really sure what I can do beyond apologizing, but if you have any ideas...."

Lev watched him for a moment, and then nodded at the front door. "Cyrus has been worried sick. You should probably go talk to him."

Sorin gave a small dip of his head. He backed up a step, flicking a glance at the door before looking back at Lev. "Thank you. For keeping an eye on him."

"Cyrus doesn't need anyone to keep an eye on him. He just needed the company. Go on."

Lev eased the cat off his lap and followed after Sorin. He hadn't caught up by the time the voices went quiet in the kitchen. Lev slipped in behind him and sidled to Fac's side, knowing very well Fax would want to make sure he was okay. He allowed the brief pat down, leaning into the hands cupping his face even as he kept an eye on Sorin and Cyrus.

Cyrus hadn't moved from where he was pressed against the counter, eyes wide and mouth pressed into a thin line. "You came back."

"Fax didn't tell you I would?" Sorin gave a wry smile. "I figured I left my boyfriend hanging long enough."

"I distinctly remember you breaking up with me. Twice." Cyrus' hands tightened on the counter, and, just for a moment, sparks danced on his fingertips.

Sorin winced. "I did," he said quietly. "And I don't have any excuse." A huff escaped him. "Being an idiot doesn't count."

"Why'd you come back?" Cyrus asked bluntly. "Why now?"

Sorin was quiet for a moment. "I needed time to get... to get my head on straight and... I just needed time." When Cyrus merely watched him, what little attempts Sorin made to smile faded. "I'm sorry. I'll say it as many times as you need me to." Still, Cyrus refused to speak. His dark eyes didn't even flicker. The silence stretched, thick and heavy, and neither Lev nor Fax dared to break it. "I'll leave if you want me to," Sorin promised, even though his voice cracked. "Cy. I-"

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