Chapter 1- Meeting Mistress Mayhem

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Not everyone knew the truth. Most people were kept in the dark. In fact, I was in the dark most of my childhood. And then, I met one.

Vampires. They ruled the underworld, but vampires weren't the only supernatural beings. There were loads of different types, some more dangerous than others. While I wanted to one day be known as one of the greatest hunters in history, I would need a lot of help to get started. At that point, I had only killed one supe, which I believed had marked me by local counts.

Few people were awakened to the truth, and the vampires had made sure of that. They liked to exist only in the shadows, but the world needed to know about them, and I was going to be the catalyst that unveiled the truth. I was sure of it.

It was year 2038, and Biden had really ruined things. Crime was at an all time high due to his policies, which made it even easier for vampires to skate by undetected. The main reason crime had slowly been on the rise in the once great American Empire was the fact more and more people were becoming impoverished.

As Biden claimed there was only an 8% inflation rate, housing and food prices had more than tripled. Numbers were often politicians best friends, as they could be manipulated any way, but the middle class had totally disappeared with the rise of the Democratic Party.

As the average person had been losing purchasing power, the dollar, once the global standard by which other currencies were judged, had been losing value for quite some time. I knew I couldn't make a difference as far as politics, but the apocalypse was coming. If the American people didn't revolt, the empire would be much like Germany's in their involvement of WWI. I could sense a massive change. As before WWI, the mark had lost all its value. China, who played a huge role in the rise of the Biden family during his tenure as president, was rapidly taking over. But I had to exist in the shadows if I was going to be a hunter. While the apocalypse would affect everyone, my family had everything. We could survive even if the dollar failed, which I expected to happen very soon.

I was one of the few woke people. I knew almost everything about supernatural culture. They preferred to be called supes. And I really should be dead for knowing about them, as once someone learned of them, they often went missing to never be found. And if they were found, their bodies were greatly mutilated, and the government would cover it up as a bear or wolf attack, even when the area they were found wasn't known for having bears or wolves.

I lived in New Orleans, Nola as the locals called it. And it was the epicenter of supe life in the southern states of America. Only one other place had more supes in the south, and I was going to vacation there after hearing rumors even common people experienced ghosts sightings there.

While ghosts really couldn't do much damage to people, I wanted to help them find peace in the afterlife. Most ghosts only tried to get people's attention so their souls could be released from this realm. Most of them were pretty harmless.

Savannah, Georgia. Home of the most ghosts in the entire world. Many argued how a spirit got left behind, but I believed it was because they hadn't fulfilled their destiny, so God wouldn't let them enter heaven or hell, but I've been wrong before.

I tried to pretend like I didn't know what was happening in the underworld, but I knew everything about every supe. I was the information queen, or so I thought. Many hunters often gathered their information about supes from me, and I'd divulge necessary information if I trusted them enough.

I was a transgender female. I was born a male, but then I became a female, and a damn good looking woman. I had blonde hair, but I'd often die it different colors, because I masked my knowledge of the supernatural by pretending to be a goth, who almost all had been drawn to the spookier side of things. And I had fake tits surgically added a few years into my transition.

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