Chapter 36

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It was a night.

Where the fuck am I?

But I know that my head hurt like a bitch. I get up from the familiar bed, stretching my arms.

An intense scent of musk hit me immediately.  The smell that I haven't felt for so long, overwhelming and sensual.

Slowly on soft legs I headed towards the bedside lamp. I flipped that fucking switch and soft light lit up the bedroom. My eyes turned to armchair, and I asked myself one question. 

Is the universe fucking mocking me?

Once so loved, now hated russet irises, were staring at me. I didn't flinch, I didn't even dare. Only the thudding of a heart beating against ribs echoed in this room.

My sapphire gaze scanned every scrap of this individual's body. Black pants and a shirt of the same color draped over his muscular body. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, revealing carved strong arms.

He sat casually, resting his back against the back of the chair. Both hands rested loosely on the side edges of the armrests. His face expressed no emotions, emitted emptiness, just like his eyes.

Not a day had passed without me wondering what it will be like to see them again. Immerse yourself in this glow of a beautiful brown. Nevertheless now that our eyes met, there was no sparks, just pure emptiness.

I stared at them, hoping maybe I'd missed it.  Maybe it was just my imagination. Am I so crazy that I've mixed memories with reality?  After all, he couldn't be here, it was only my imagination that gave me images from the past. Is it not?

Close your eyes and count to three. It's just your mind mocking you, as always.

So I did it, closed my eyes and counted. I counted like every night he came to see me.  One, two, three, I'll open my eyes and you won't be here.

I slowly lifted my eyelids, however I didn't focus my gaze on the chair. I was a coward, lowered my head and looked at my hands, fisted. They trembled as with any attack. So that had to be it my body again, not cooperating with my brain.

I was standing on the brink of the abyss, empty of emotions only what I felt was fear. Struggling with each breath, I looked up at the element that caused me this state.

"Hello Valentina." The booming icy voice penetrated my ears and pierced my whole body, freezing it in a second.

A voice that I knew so well and that once caressed my senses. Dormant emotions, hidden somewhere in the recesses of my soul, awoke. They woke up from a long sleep.

A shiver ran through my body and our eyes locked again. The lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow allowed no words to escape from my chapped lips. I bit the inside of my cheek to wake up from this nightmare.

Although I couldn't, because this time I wasn't dreaming. He got up from his chair, taking a step towards me, and I took two backwards. 

He frowned and shoved his hands into his pants pockets. "Won't you say hello to me?"

His cold eyes searched my face as if he was searching for something. What are you looking for, Spirit? The feeling of fear began to subside, and anger replaced it. I clenched my fists even tighter and woke up from the shock.

Because the devil himself stood before me, because he was my doom, my punishment, and I hated him so much for it. I put on a flat expression, though deep within myself I was screaming.

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