Chapter 22

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I spent most of the day packing my suitcase

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I spent most of the day packing my suitcase. I had a lot of things to bring back. I practically didn't use half of them. When I finally did it, I sat on the bed as a tear spun in my eye. My life changed dramatically, last week I was the most happiest person, and now I want to disappear.

I sighed and focused my gaze on my fingers with which I'm playing.

I still have no clue what I did to deserve to be treated like a trash. Although apparently in life nothing happens without a reason, and it was probably supposed to be in that way.

I was supposed to be used and betrayed.

It's coming midnight. I got a message from my mother saying that I should be picked up by a driver and sent straight to the airport.

I have no clue, if Lorenzo knows about all of this that I'm leaving. I didn't leave my room, since our last haotic conversation. I was so fucking afraid that if I got out, I would run into him and he might would do to me, hit me or even worse.

I'm torn apart and I don't know what expect from him. He shocked me completely, I don't recognize him anymore, he transformed drastically. Nevertheless I know that I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Not after what he did to me.

This can't be forgiven.

My phone vibrated and it was a sign that it was time to go. I took a few deep breaths and slowly went downstairs with the suitcase, it was difficult for me, still somehow I managed.

I heard steps and I held my breath thinking that these were his steps, fortunately it was Sofia who as soon as I saw I embraced tightly.

It didn't take her to long until she hug me in return. "You're leaving?" She asked in a soft voice.

I broke away from her and there were tears on my face. I already thought they wouldn't fall, although my feelings had different intentions.

"Valentina are you okay?" She gasps, her gentle hand wipes my tears. I shook my head. She knew that whatever had happened, I didn't wanted to talk about it. We understood each other without unnecessary words.

"I-I'm leaving, I'm sorry that I haven't told you, but something come up unexpected and..." I couldn't say more. Sofia noticed this and hugged me again and I cuddled up to her neck. She stroked my hair gently to calm me down.

It's so good to have at least someone, that make you fell better.

However it doesn't take too long, there comes the only person I didn't want to see, the devil himself.

"Sofia, could you leave me with Valentina." Lorenzo coldly commanded, still keeping his gaze on me.

When my name rolled out of his mouth I felt disgust. I didn't wanted her to leave me alone with this cruel bastard. His eyes darkened as he raised a eyebrow, it gives Sofia's warning that she should disappear.

𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 | 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora