Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes realizing that I fell asleep in my mom's room

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I slowly open my eyes realizing that I fell asleep in my mom's room. I turn around to the other side of bed, and I don't see her.

She told me yesterday when we were laying on the bed that she and dad are going to meet with some people about her job.

I see my phone at the nighstand, and it shows it's 11:18 am. I usually sleep around eight hours, however yesterday was exhausted, so I slept longer.

I get up from the bed, and go to the suit bathroom. I brush my teeth, and splash my face with cold watter, it helps me wake up.

When I'm done I go to the balcony that's connected to my room, the weather it's really nice today.

I slipped pair of black panties and then the dress that I picked. White silky dress with flowers, it hugged my body perfectly. I also adds some necklace. For this dress I didn't wear any bra, I think it looks better without it.

Next I go to my desk, I apply concealer under my eyes. I have long, and thick eyelashes so when I apply some mascara I look like a doll, although it not looks too dramatic. The last thing I layered my lips with lipgloss.

For the hair I decided to let them fell down over my shoulder. I usually don't do any hairstyles, only when I go to sleep. I ties my hair in a loose bun, it's just comfortable to sleep.

When I'm ready I go out of my room. Then I go downstairs towards kitchen. I'm so hungry, I wouldn't mind eat some pankaces with strawberrys and nutella.

At the thought of that my saliva is running out of my mouth.


I enter the kitchen, I see the old lady that yesterday made as delicious dinner.

"Good morning Mrs.Smith." I greeted her.

"Oh dear don't be silly please call me Maria." She says making me smile. In respond I just nod my head.

"What would you like to eat for breakfast?" She asks.

"Oh Maria you really don't need to make me breakfast I can do that perfectly for myslef." I make her giggle.

"Honey that's my job, making food for you, so what would you like to eat my dear?" She replies.

"Pancakes with strawberrys and nutella." In her face appears smile.

"That's definetly good choice." She says.

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