Accidents Happen...Chapter 26

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“You were supposed to be here an hour ago.” I said into the phone, blinking back tears. “This is like the third time you’ve blown me off.”

“I’m sorry. We got so wrapped up in our interview session. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Cody promised. “Please, just wait.”

“Fifteen minutes then I’m gone.” I told him, hanging up. It had been six months since the Black Mass Tour ended. Cody and I had been trying to keep the relationship up, but it was hard living on two different parts of the country and trying to work around two very busy bands. Set It Off was currently on tour and they had a couple shows in Pennsylvania. I decided to fly in so I could see Cody and my friends, but so far Cody kept flaking out on me.

I rolled my eyes as I looked down at my phone. The first time he flaked out he said the show ran over. I understood and I agreed we could reschedule for lunch the next day, but he never showed. When I asked him what happened he didn’t have an excuse, just that he forgot.  “He’s not coming.” I sighed, calling Lauren.

“Hey, Al, how was-“

“He didn’t show up.” I cut her off.

“Again?” Lauren huffed. “I’m gonna kill that boy. Do you want us to come get you?”

“Yeah.” I swallowed to keep my voice from cracking.

“We’re coming; we’ll be there in twenty minutes.” Lauren said “I’ll bring some tissues.”

“Thank you.” I choked out, brushing away the tears. “I’m gonna go sit in the Starbucks so I’m not out here awkwardly alone.” I hung up with Lauren and looked up to see a man down the street staring at me. I shrugged it off and made my way down an alley between two streets so I could get to Starbucks.

“Why is a pretty girl like you crying?” the man asked, right behind me now.

I ignored him, walking a little faster, but he grabbed my wrist. “Let go of me!”

“Sh, no reason to get testy with me, pretty girl.” The man grinned, pressing me against the wall.

“I’m going to scream if you don’t get off of me.” I snarled angrily.

“No you won’t.” the man chuckled and I felt something cold press against my stomach. “Because if you scream, I’m going to gut you like a fish.” As I didn’t respond he laughed, his hand sliding up my shirt. “Now that’s a good girl. I don’t want any trouble.”

“Fuck you.” I spat in his face, kneeing him hard in the groin. I yelped as he plunged the knife into my stomach.

“I said to behave.” He growled, pressing the knife a little deeper and grabbing my hair.

“Are you guys alright?” a familiar voice called out. “I thought I heard a shout.”

“We’re fine.” The man called gruffly.                                                                     

“Cody?” I moaned as the knife was driven deeper. “Cody!”

“Alyssa?” Cody’s voice echoed down the alleyway along with his footsteps.

I screamed as the mystery man dragged the knife across my stomach before pulling it out and taking off. “Alyssa. Alyssa, oh my god, you’re bleeding.” Cody took off his jacket, pressing it to the wound.

“Call 911.” I whimpered, placing my own hands on the jacket. I sunk down to the ground, fighting the urge to vomit from the pain.

“I am. I am.” Cody already had his phone out. “My girlfriend was stabbed. We’re on 132 Walker Street…yes, I put my shirt over it.” He looked down at my stomach. “Really bad, it’s soaked. Okay. I can do that. We’re in the alleyway. No, I won’t move her.”

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