Decision Made...Chapter 25

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The lights went down on the final show and the crew was full of excited chatter over the last party. “This is going to be fun.” Lauren grinned “One last hurrah!”

“I don’t know, I’m sad.” Gia sighed “I’ve really liked being on tour.”

“There’s free alcohol, don’t be sad.” Sam smirked, nudging her friend.

“But it’s our last night with Aly.” Gia groaned, suddenly throwing her arms around me.

I laughed and stroked her hair “You act like I’m never coming back, Gia. It’s going to be okay, I’ll visit.”

“Did you already talk to Astrum and tell them the news?” Sam asked, ignoring Gia as she continued clinging to me.

“Yeah, they weren’t happy about losing me, but they understand.” I shrugged Gia off. “Seriously, no tears and sadness are allowed until tomorrow when you get on the plane, okay?”

“Fine.” Gia sniffed “Fine.”

“Go finish packing up so we can get going.” I shooed them off. A strong hand on my shoulder alerted me to the presence of my brother. “I think I made a decision.” I informed him.

“Oh?” Ronnie looked at me “Care to share this decision with your brother?”

“Nah.” I joked, elbowing him playfully.  “I wanna talk to Cody about it first.” Ronnie’s face dropped, but he nodded slowly. “I was on the phone with Astrum today; they’re having my stuff shipped over since it was already packed up.”

“Oh, good.” Ronnie painted a smile back on his face. “Have you decided what you’re doing with your room paint wise?”

“Yeah, you’re going to help me paint it red.” I smirked.

“Am I now?” Ronnie laughed “Can’t we hire a crew instead?”

“No, no, I want us to do it together. It’ll be fun. And you’re going to have to take me furniture shopping, because the stuff you have is ugly.”

“You’re a demanding little thing.” Ronnie shook his head “How long are you going to stay with me? I know you’ll want your own place eventually.”

“Yeah…eventually. But I don’t know where I want to put down roots yet, so I guess you’re stuck with me.”  I stuck my tongue out at him and joined my friends in packing up the van.

“Can we talk?” I asked Cody at the party, leading him outside to the back patio before he could really answer.

“You know, it’s a beautiful night to have my heart broken.” Cody sighed, looking out at all the lights.

I stood behind him, my arms wrapping around his waist. “Who says your heart is going to be broken, Carson?” I asked, kissing his shoulder.

“Because no conversation that starts with ‘can we talk’ ends well.” Cody said honestly. “But go ahead, Alyssa, talk.”

“You’re moody tonight.” I huffed, moving so I was in front of him. “I don’t like you as much when you’re moody.” I teased. Cody rolled his eyes and looked away. “Hey, don’t do that.” I complained, following his head so he was forced to see me. “This is important, you need to pay attention.” I kissed him gently “Please stop being so grumpy, it’s making me sad. You don’t even know if I have good or bad news yet.”

“Sorry.” Cody took a deep breath, relaxing his shoulders. “I’m assuming you made your decision.”

“I did.”

“And does Ronnie know?” Cody asked.

“No, I wanted to tell you first.”

We fell into an awkward silence, Cody waiting for me to speak and me wishing I knew the words to say. “I’ve decided to take Ronnie’s offer.” Cody stiffened and his eyes drifted away from mine, focusing on the skyline again. “It’s not that I don’t love Set It Off. You guys are amazing…but Ronnie and Falling In Reverse are my family. Besides, I’m not one to mix my work life with my love life.”

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