Chapter Five

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All the evidence was shown after I finished eating.

They were right, it wasn't much, but it proved enough. My father's name was in newspaper clippings from multiple cities and even some other countries. South America and Canada, to be exact. 

How I was finding a sense of comedy in all of this, I haven't the slightest idea. But I found this hidden life of his to be a bit entertaining. I always thought my life was boring while, in reality, it was the complete opposite.

I sifted through wanted ads, police reports, and bank account information. Until the boys took over with telling the tale from there. Apparently, the whole operation was drawing to a close when my father's health fell drastically over the course of just a few months.

So it was easier for the half-brothers to get out of the business without drawing much attention. However, they still had old clients who would seek them out for drugs. Oliver was one of them. Cole told me that instead of them giving him drugs, they tried to get him straight because they saw potential in the little band he started in his garage. So they had him perform a few times and things were fine until tonight.

Just my luck.

"Your father wanted you to be happy until the end of your days and..." Nico paused hesitantly to choose the next words carefully. "We want you to be happy, all the same. So if that is something we can provide then we'd love to."

I chose my next words cautiously as well. "Why me, though? Just because my dad wanted me to be happy?"

The last thing I wanted to do was offend the gentlemen that drugged me and were basically keeping me hostage in a hotel suite.

Cole's face hardened at my words and I feared the consequences of my questions. "I don't care to go into explaining everything for you. If you want us then you should know by now."

"Want you?" I questioned in disbelief. "I barely know you two!"

Nico clasped his hands together rather loudly, as if trying to gain his brother's attention. And it did. The two shared one of their looks that made me think they were able to communicate with each other telepathically. I don't know how they did it, but when Cole turned back to me, he seemed much calmer. 

Especially with his words and typically this man didn't have a filter.

"Then promise to at least try. We'll do likewise. After all, we've only known you at a distance all these years. It's one thing to pick up on your little habits and preferences..." And then the make-believe filter faded away. "I want to know your desires."

"All right!" Nico snapped at the comment his brother made and I just blinked, too stunned.

"All right," I repeated.

Nico gave me a sideways glance. "All right?"

No words left my mouth; I barely got my chin all the way down in the nod I was giving him when Cole practically tackled me where I sat.

"All right!" Cole shouted gleefully. Right. In. My. Ear.

Nico offered no help and instead burst into a fit of rumbling laughter.

In the chaos that was agreeing to give them a chance I thought of Nelly, my best friend, how would I explain any of this? Do I explain any of it?

I could just imagine: 'Hey Nel, you remember those two guys at the concert place? Well hands off of both of them because they're both mine.'

Whoa. That thought was initially way more possessive than I would have liked it to sound.

Cole snapped me out of my daydreaming with a short, "So are you staying the night?"

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