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Kokichi's POV:

I opened my eyes and sprung up from bed to get ready for school. I checked the time and it said it was 4:46 am. I tried going back to sleep, but I just couldn't fall back asleep. I was looking through my messages and decided to text Shumai.

🔍Shumai 🔎:

Kokichi: Hii Shumai!

Shuichi: Why are you awake at this time?

Kokichi: I woke up and couldn't fall asleep, but why are you awake?

Shuichi: I'm studying

Kokichi: You've been up all night??

Shuichi: Yes

Kokichi: You need to go to sleep >:T

Shuichi: I'll be fine, I'm just going to go over everything one more time. 

Kokichi: Fine, but get some sleep tomorrow >:T

Shuichi: Fine

After that, Saihara chan said he was going to take a break and text me for a few minutes. A few minutes turned into a few hours, and the sun started to rise. I jumped at the sound of Rantaro opening my door.

"Kokichi, why are you awake and laughing like you just pulled a prank on a teacher and didn't get caught?" Rantaro asked, yawning and wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm just texting someone, can't I have a little fun?" I said pouting.

"Who is awake and texting you at this time?" Rantaro asked confused. 

"Saihara Chan, now go away," I said, getting up from to close the door.

"Fine, but come downstairs in a bit, we have school today, and I'm going to be making breakfast soon," Rantaro said.

"Ok mom," I said shutting the door. I got took a shower, got dressed and went downstairs to eat.

"So Kokichi, why was Shuichi texted you late at night?" Rantaro asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking, making me choke on my food. 

"Excuse me, but whatever you're thinking is wrong avocado," I replied, still coughing.

"Well, you did fall asleep on his lap and go into his room with only the 2 of you," Rantaro said.

"How did you know that??" I asked shocked.

"Tsumugi found my number and she knows I'm roomates with you, as well as your friend," he replied, looking at me victoriously.

"We were just talking, alright?" I said, putting my plate away and heading out to go to school. On my way there, I saw Saihara chan talking to Kaede. He was smiling, and seemed to be having such a good time. It made me... upset for some reason. You know what, Why should I care? I decided to stop thinking about it and just go to class. When I walked in I saw Saihara chan in the corner of the room staring outside the window by himdelf, so I decided to walk to wards him. 

"Hey Saihara chan!" I said, "I didn't know you were in this class!" 

"Hehe yeah. I normally only talk to Kaito and Kaede, but Maki scares me, so I don't talk to her much," he replied with a smile. I sat at the desk in front of him sitting backwards in the sea, put my arms on his desk, and rested my head in my hands. 

"Yeah, Maki's scary as hell," I said.

"What did you say about me?" I turned around, terrified, to see Maki glaring at me with a cold stare. Maki, Kaito, and Kaede were going up to Shuichi, and clearly didn't want me around.

Bent like the corner we met on   || Saiouma Oumasai ||Where stories live. Discover now