Finally Free

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I groan as my sore eyes decided to start to open. I didn't want to, though, because that would mean the daily cycle of torture would ensue. I looked down at my baby bump and more tears began to flow. I was going to die soon if this torture didn't stop. That would mean my baby would die, Mary would be basically an orphan, Crowley and Castiel would have to go through the hurt of a broken bond, and my brothers would never know what happened to me. 

"Wait, if Castiel and Crowley can feel my pain, why hasn't anyone come to stop it?" I mumble to myself. 

No sooner those words came out of my mouth in came the first round of regrets from my father. Once he was done telling me how bad of a daughter I was for letting him sacrifice himself to Azazel, he walked out and in walked my mother. She basically just told me how bad of a mom I was and how my daughter would be better off without me. She even was going on about how Mary technically has a sister and should be able to see her. Once she was done, in walked my brother Dean. Dean was worse than all of them put together, because I actually look up to my brother. Dean is my rock. 

"You know, it's your fault I became a torturer of hell. If you had just Sweet talked Crowley I wouldn't have had to sell my soul!" 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't even know him then." I sobbed. 

He growled and his eyes went black. This was new. This wasn't the usual routine. The so called Dean was materializing weapons. He was inspecting each one as he made them appear. He did this until he found one that was up to whatever standards her was looking for.

A sickening grin spread across his face. He began to swing the metal bat with nails all over it as he walked closer. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting a blow to land on my baby bump. I expected the final blow that would end not only my life, but my baby's life. Yet, all I got was the sound of my cell door creaking open and banging on a stone wall. 

"Get. OUT!" I heard a familiar voice boom. 

"But, sir-"


With that the cell was empty, aside from myself and my demon soulmate. My head lulled to the side and hung forward a little bit. My body starting to relax it began to pull my wrists against the chains even more. My wrists popped and I screamed. They weren't broken, but they would be pretty much useless now because both of them dislocated. I looked at the doorway and saw Crowley just standing there, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide while they raked me up and down. 

"Crowley?" I croaked out, barely a whisper. 

"What have they done to you, love?" He asked as he walked closer. 

I flinched and braced myself for vile words. I knew it wasn't a torturer, but the memories were still fresh in my mind. The pain of all my self critics flowing from my loved ones' mouths every day for who knows how long. It was refreshing to hear his voice with actual care and worry in it. To hear him call me 'love' was like a breath of fresh air. Yet all I could think about was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

"Just get it over with. Torture me. Use my family against me. Just. Please. Don't kill me or my baby. Kill me if you must, but don't hurt my baby." I sobbed. 

I soon felt myself falling and then being caught by familiar, and safe, arms. We were soon moving, but all I could do was nuzzle into the crook of their neck and sob my heart and soul out. My mind was flooded with thoughts about how I could have missed so many birthdays, so many Christmases. The only times a year Dean let's us stop working is for Mary's birthday and every other Christmas. Then my mind went to Sam and Dean. The possibility they gave up looking for me. My thoughts were cut off by the feeling of silk sheets touching my skin. I looked around the room. It was my room at the bunker. I quickly sat up, only to be gently shoved down. I looked at who the hands belonged to and saw Crowley. 

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