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A/N: this part will be all over the place. Only for the sake of getting the character's story off in as short a time as possible. This book jumps in at Season 9, in as short amount of words as I can, I'm telling you her life story leading up to that moment we jump in. Give or take a few seasons. Note that this chapter has A LOT of creative liberties just because the show doesn't really do a deep dive of their childhood. Also, there are a lot of pop culture references to movies and things the cast of the show have made, even before they're made. If you get the reference in the 1995 bit, I LOVE YOU.

-January 24th, 1979 Lawrence, Kansas-

In the county general hospital, near the outskirts of the town of Lawrence, Kansas, many lives had been brought into the world on this day. The ones that would make the most difference in the world were on their way. Though, the second one of the pair would go down in history, but that is a story for a later date. Right now, let us focus on what is about to happen.

Mary and John Winchester rushed into the emergency room. Mary knew she could do this, deliver the twins without a caesarean. John, on the other hand, was worried Mary wouldn't be able to do it, and he'd lose one or all three of his most prized "possessions". A nurse quickly rushes a wheelchair to Mary and they wheel her to the elevator. They go straight to the Labor and Delivery unit. Not wasting time they hook Mary up to everything, check her dilation, seeing as she is five centimeters they ask if she wants an epidural.

"Yes. Oxygen too please. I feel like something is wrong with my babies."

Mary had strong senses, it helped out a lot when she was a hunter. She also had the feeling one of her babies had great forces attached to them. She didn't know how or what, not even if it was good or bad, but she knew it was world changing. As the nurses and doctors rushed around the room trying to prepare everything, they didn't seem to notice someone in the corner of the room. He didn't want to be seen, so not even the most skilled hunter would see him. He stood in the corner watching the scene before him. Ready to step in and protect the three lives that could be in danger. He especially wanted the twins to survive. After all, he was the one who needed John and Mary together. He was the one who chose to give one of the twins a rare thing, as well as make that rare thing the most cosmic change in history. He bonded a demon, a hunter, and an angel together. This was to be set forth so she could help her brothers bring peace among the three species.

"Alright, Mrs. Winchester. Time to start pushing. Now, remember if either of the babies or even yourself starts to show signs of distress, we have to rush to surgery."

Mary just nodded. Soon the doctor was counting, Mary was focusing her mind and barring down to push, John held Mary's hand for support while he helped her stay up when she pulled herself up to push. She didn't need to worry about her push being strong enough, she knew that. She did it to help save her energy. She found that pulling herself up and curling over while pushing used less of her energy. Mary was determined to not go under the knife. She knew there would be a NICU stay, there always was with twins due to them being premature. She wasn't stupid, but for some reason she knew everything would be alright.

"Alright one last push and we'll have ourselves a baby. Do you know which is baby A and baby B? Or are they identical?"

"Boy is A, girl is B. They're fraternal." John piped up, proud of his little boy and little girl already.

The doctor nodded and resituated himself. He looked up and gave Mary a nod. With that she was pushing again, while a prayer her daddy used to say to her every night as a little girl ran through her head. Images of the nursery they would share and their separate rooms flooded her mind as well. With in no time, a high pitched cry, the one only newborns make, flooded John and Mary's ears.

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