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Izzy POV

"I think you should leave," Carlisle said. His tone hard.

"I... Im sorry," I said and took off in a run.

They all hated me. What did I do wrong to deserve this. I was just telling the truth. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. He wouldn't even look in the files. I never should've come to forks. I should've left before There the night I went home. None of this is fair.

I couldnt think well. Well I couldnt think clearly. Everything was foggy. I slowed Down. I moved around looking for people. No one good. I found a homeless man looking through carbage for cans. I moved over. I took his hand and spun him pushing him against the wall.

"Im sorry," I whispered to him and moved to his neck. I bit down as gentle as I could as I dont want him to be in pain in his last moments lf life. He was tense and pushing for a moment before calming. I touched his side him calming at the touch. This was typical for me whenever I fed I didn't make it painful. Most people enjoy it. I held on for a few more moments. I payed attention his heart. It began to slow. The blood stopped coming and his heart stopped.

I gently layed him down on the ground for a moment before making the scene look like it was a suicide. Using something sharp to cut his neck where I bit.

This was the first time in Ten years that I killed someone. What did I do. Why did I do it?

I moved shakily back into the street looking where to go. I saw a hotel and went over. There was no one at the desk so quickly I went and stole a key card and headed up to the bedroom. I paced for a while going into the bathroom gasping. There was blood over my shirt and I didn't have any other clothes. I yanked the blanket off the bed and covered myself in it and sat against the wall. I pulled my knees to my chest and I lost it.

I hid my head in the blanket not able to stop my crying.

I held onto the blanket just crying. I have no idea how long it had been it felt like hours. I then heard a knock on the door. It was another vampire. "Go away," I said weakly.

"Let me In," Someone said, it was Esme.

"No, go away. Im leaving tomorrow," I said.

I hid my head just curling up. Then there was a touch on my knee. I jumped back pushing Esme's hand away.

"Come here," she said.

"No... I never should've said anything. Ever," I whispered.

"Izzy," she said and lifted me pulling me onto her lap.

"Stop Im sorry, Ive been ruining your family," I said.

"No you havent Izzy," she said. "You are my daughter," she said.

I looked at her and clung onto her. "Are you hurt?" She asked. I lowered the blanket. "I hurt someone," I whispered.

"Irs okay sweetie it happens to all of us" she said.

I held onto her. "Im not going to be accepted there," I whispered.

"You will be," she said.

"I wont," I told her. "Everyone hates me. Jasper all he thinks is that Im going to kill every single person. Carlisle wants me gone. No one is going to accept me,"

"Im furious at Carlisle," she whispered.

"Shouldnt he know things are possible. He kept telling me I was lying. And how much you grieved over me. Just saying it was impossible and I needed to stop making up lies. He wouldnt read the files. I gave him them but he wouldn't read it," I looked at her.

"He should know," she said still holding me close. She touched my cheek.

I held onto her gripping onto her clothes crying myself to sleep.

Esme POV

I held her close in my arms. Standing and sitting on the bed with her.

Jasper and Emmett came in.

"Everything is okay?" Jasper moved over.

"No," Esme said. "Shes my daughter. My biological daughter," I said. "They miscalled the time of death and she was alive," I said. "She feels that... we dont want her... Carlisle yelled at her to leave. I went into shock once I was told. Thats why she left town was to look up her birth history. Its all true," I said.

He moved over. "Carlisle didnt give her a chance to explain," I said to him.

"Shes my daughter. And I left her Alive," I said my voice shakey.

"Esme you didnt know," he said touching my hand.

"I should've," I told him.

Jasper sat next to me and touched my shoulder then looked down "Did she hide the body? The person she hurt,"

"I dont know. Im not going to push the subject," I said.

He nodded and looked down.

"Do you want me to get Carlisle do you can talk with him?"

"No Im going to take her back to her apartment and stay with her for a few days,"

He nodded.

"I have it from here," I said and lifted her. "See if you can find the person on the way back," I whispered.

Jasper nodded and left. I carefully ran with her in my arms and got back to her apartment within the hour. She stayed asleep when I layed her down on the bed. I helped remove her shirt and got her a clean shirt. I threw away the blood soaked shirt and covered her with a blanket.

I watched her sleep then there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned seeing Carlisle.

"You found her, is she okay?"

"Yes, just near the airport in Portland," I said. "But she isn't okay. She is upset and thinks she has ruined our family. She isnt okay," I told him. "I'll be lucky if she will even stay in Forks with us,"I said to Carlisle.

"I should have listened to her. You weree unresoinsive and I snapped at her,"   He looked down.

"Yes," I said to him still upset with him. "She is my daughter," I whispered. "And I left her alone... alive in a morgue. I couldve prevented this if I only.."

"Esme, you didn't know, this isn't your fault," he said.

"But I left her alone... with no one... no parents... nothing. All she had was an adoptive fahter. Nothing else," I said. "And even then he was kiilled. No one was there for her. She was alone. This is my fault," I said.

"It's not," Carlisle said.

"Its not your fault Esme," Izzy whispered. "I am fine... and I found you," she sat up. Weird coincidence but I found y0u and you accept me as me," I said. "And thats all that matters," she said crawling over sitting in my lap.

I looked down at her and kissed her forehead. No matter what happens I will love and care  for you every second of the day. You're my daughter," I said and held her close. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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