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Izzy pov

I saw the look of shock on her face.

"I mean I may be crazy. But I went looking for my birth history... When I was turned my creator... father figure told me about most of my past. I asked how my mother died and he said that she jumped off a cliff the day I was born... because I was dead... well they thought I died. I was found in a morgue after a few hours. They had tried to call you but you were found at the hospital in critical condition and Carlisle called the time of death. I... My full name Is Izzy Anne Platt," I told her. "But... I swear Im not pulling this out of my ass," I said and stood going to the table to grab the files. "I went to look up my birth history. And they took me to paitent records and there were two files under the name. "Izzy Anne Platt and Esme Anne Platt," I said showing her the files. "I was born in Columbus Ohio... I had pneumonia and died days after birth," I opened the file showing her. "This is my file," I said and closed it. "This is yours." I said. "You came to the hospital with a broken leg and Dr. Carlisle Cullen treated you and then a few years later he was the one who treated you after your attempt... He called the time of death. My guess is he took you and turned you. And I dont know many Carlisles or even an Esme until a few days ago. I... Im your daughter. Your biological daughter," I said to her.

She looked at me in complete shock.

"I... I understand if you dont believe me. I mean I cant. I dont even know if I believe it for myself but I understand if you dont," I said.

She didnt move or say anything.

"Esme?" I asked.

She didnt respond just sitting there.

I took her hand.

She didnt respond.

I moved to her purse to call Carlisle.

"Esme?" Carlisle asked.

"Uh no. Izzy. I think I may have made your wife go into shock. I... I told her something and shes just sitting here,"

I heard faint voices in the background.

"Ill be there," he said.

"I didnt hurt her I promise I just found out something and..."

"Its okay Ill be over," he said.

The line on the phone went dead. I moved back over to Esme.

"Esme? Carlisle is coming," I said taking her hand.

I didnt know what to do.

I heard Footsteps approach and I opened the door.

Carlisle went immediately over to Esme. "What happened? Esme?" He held her hand.

She didn't respond to it.

"Izzy what did you tell her," he looked at me. "Shes never reacted this way to anything what did you tell her?"

"That Im her daughter," I looked at him.

He closed his eyes. "Its not possible Izzy. You cant tell someone this. You know how much she grieved her child. She died. You cant make up this stuff," he said.

I backed up tears in my eyes. "I... I didnt mean any harm. I... Im only... Im only stating facts," I looked at him backing up instantly. "Im not lying," I whispered.

He looked at me. "It's impossible Izzy," he said.

"Its not Carlisle. Its not. I... I died and I was found I..."

"Enough Izzy," he said anger there and then he moved over to Esme. "I think you should leave," he said looking at me.

"I... Im sorry... I" I moved away speeding off.

Esme Pov

Is she my daughter. Everything led up to it was true. I jumped. She died. I... I left her alive.

I just froze. I didnt know how to react. I felt like I couldnt move. My body feeling heavy. I couldnt move.

"Esme..." I heard a voice. "Esme, shes wrong. Its not possible. Come here," he said. I felt being moved. "Come here," he said and he picked me up. Everything coming back. "She wont be coming back,"

"No..." I said moving away realizing. "Where is she?"

"I told her to leave," Carlisle looked down.

"Why would you do that?!" I said my voice raised. "Why would you do that Carlisle? I need to find her," I said.

"Esme. What she said isn't possible look at me," he said.

"Carlisle it is. It's possible shes my daughter," I said handing him the files she showed me. "Im her mother," I said angry with him. "Why would you send her away," I yelled at him.

"I... it... I thought it wasn't possible. Considering the facts that she died," he said looking down.

"She didnt though. They missed called the time of death she was found in the morgue alive. I need to find her," I said. "Read the damn files and then tell me its not real. Im going to find my daughter," I said.

"Esme..." I heard him say before I left trying to follow her scent. I tried to call her many times but she didn't answer. I lost her scent after a bit and went home to ask for help.

"Jasper... Emmett I need your help. I cant Find Izzy. Carlisle yelled at her and told her to leave. Shes my daughter. Please," I said to them.

Emmett nodded. "Of course," he said and moved hugging me tightly.

"Jasper lets go," Emmett said.

"I know you dont like or trust her Jasper but please trust me on this one please," I told him.

He nodded at it. "I know I came off harsh I was just worried," he said.

"I understand Jasper," I said.

I followed the two out. I led them down to her house. "It seems she went south," Emmett said.

I nodded and followed them. They headed south crossing the border from Washington to Oregon. "Shes in the holiday inn," he said.

"Stay here please," I said.

"Of course," Jasper nodded.

I moved over and went in I found the room she was in and knocked.

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