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I sat down on the couch utterly terrified. I relaxed slightly when the hands were removed from my arms. My hands were completely shaking. I wanted to go home desperately, I wanted to go home and pack up all my stuff and move again.

"Please can I just go home?" I whispered.

"No," Jaspers voice hard.

I looked down calculating my odds of running.

"Carlisle will be home in an hour. Esme will be back shortly as she is hunting," Alice said.

I looked around there were five people in the room.

"Please can I just go home. I'll move and never come back," I said to them tears falling.

"No,"  Jasper said.

I closed my eyes for a moment taking a deep breath before taking off running.

I winced when my body hit against a wall teeth into my neck. I let out a loud scream pushing frantically.

"Jasper enough," I heard a voice. "Get off her now,"

"Esme she..."

"Now Jasper," she said.

I dropped to the ground bringing my knees to my chest sobbing instantly just breaking down just hiding my head.

I felt a touch on my knee hitting the hand away instantly.

"Hey hey," she said. "I'm not going to hurt you,"

I didn't look at her, I just continued to cry into my knees.

"Did she hurt anyone?" Esme said.

"No," Jasper said.

"Did she have any intentions to hurt anyone?"

"Not that I could see, nor Edward. I told Jasper we could talk civilly but he wasn't convinced," Alice said.

"All leave she's terrified," she said.


"Jasper leave, go upstairs, hunt but with you all being here she is going to panic or not even want to talk to any of us," she said.

"Jasper it'll be fine," Alice said.

He closed his eyes. "I'll be around," He said. I heard them all leave.

"They are all gone," Esme's voice was calm and soothing.

I looked up at her my body shaking still.

"Come here," She said to me moving closer.

"D-don't," I said shakily.

"I wont hurt you," she said.

Her hair was the color of honey, her eyes golden. Her expression soft and kind. She looked familiar but I couldnt tell. "Come here," She said again her arms open.

I moved to them hiding in her, "I'm scared. Please, please let me go home. I'll move and never come back, please I just want to go home, please," I pled.

She touched my hair just holding me close. "You're okay, I'm sorry for them, they had no right to do that," she said just holding onto me.

This was the first time I had physical contact with someone since I turned.

"I wont hurt anyone, I promise, I dont... I haven't killed anyone in ten years, please I'm innocent. I'm not dangerous. I'm not," I said looking up at her.

"I know you're not," she said.

"Lets sit on the couch okay?" she asked.

"I don't feel safe here," I said.

Esme's Long Lost Daughter Where stories live. Discover now