Ch.4 Survival Test

Start from the beginning

"Good start. Next."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like my brothers Naruto and Hanzo and a certain girl,-"

'Ino.' Sakura and Naruto thought together.

"- I hate liars, and my dream is to prove my big brother Itachi is innocent. And I dont have any hobbies."

'He wants to prove that Itachi is innocent? Noble, but foolish.' Kakashi thought.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen, my brothers, and a girl. I hate it when people look down at me and my big brother. My dream is to become the Hokage, so that no one will ever look down at us again. And I have no hobbies."

'These kids are an interesting bunch.' Kakashi thought. "Alright, before I let you all go, I have two things I want to tell you. Firstly, we will have another member joining the team tomorrow."

"Really, who?" Naruto asked.

"That's a surprise. Secondly, we will also be having a mission tomorrow. Your first mission will be a survival exercise." Kakashi said.

"Survival exercise?" Sasuke questioned.

"What kind?" Sakura asked.

"This test will determine whether you pass or fail. If you fail you will be sent back to the academy. Only nine of your class will pass this test." Kakashi said. The three young ninja look at Kakashi in shock. "Be at the training yard tomorrow morning at five o'clock. Also, you better skip breakfast. You'll throw up."

With that Kakashi dismissed them and they went home. Later that night at dinner, Sasuke and Naruto were freaking out.

"This is bad! If we fail we'll be sent back to the Academy!" Naruto shouted.

"I know! What are we going to do!?"

"Calm down! Honestly you two. There's no point in worrying about it. All you can do is face it head on tomorrow. Now, both of you off to bed." Hanzo said. Naruto and Sasuke get up and head to bed. Over at the Haruno household, Sakura was laying in bed think to herself.

'This is bad. If I fail, then I'll be separated from Naruto! I cant let that happen! I have to show Naruto that I'm strong enough to be by his side as a teammate and a partner! I'll pass the test, get super strong, and confess my love for him. I'll even help him become Hokage, and I'll be right there by his side! And I wont forget Sasuke either, I'll help him with his dream too.' Sakura thought. Now filled with determination to pass the test, Sakura drifts off to sleep, dreaming of Naruto.


The next morning, the kids groggily make their way to the training field. When they arrived they waited for their Sensei and the new member of the team. They waited and waited for three hours when Kakashi arrived with Hanzo.

"Good morning." Kakashi greeted.

"You're late!" All three young ninja shouted.

"Well, a black cat crossed my path, you see." Kakashi said. The three young ninja glared at Kakashi, not believing him.

"Ahem! Anyway, Hanzo will be joining our team." Kakashi said.

"Really! Awesome!" Sasuke yelled.

"Wait, wont that be unfair to the other teams when we have two Jonin?" Sakura asked.

"I've got orders from the Hokage himself. No one can say anything." Hanzo said.

"Cool! We get to go on missions with big bro!" Naruto said, excited. Naruto and Sasuke high five each other.

"Alright, let's begin." Kakashi said. Kakashi walks over to a stump and puts down a clock. "This is set for noon. Today's assignment is to take these bells from us before then." Both Kakashi and Hanzo pull out one bell each. "Those who cant do it wont get lunch and they be tied to those posts while me and Hanzo eat our lunches." Kakashi points to three wooden posts sticking out of the ground.

"But there are only two bells." Sakura said.

"Very perceptive Sakura. You are correct. This means that at the minimum, one of you will be tied to the post and disqualified and sent back to the academy. Or all three of you will be." Hanzo said.

"What?! Big bro, you'd do this to us?" Naruto shouted in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Naruto. But right now, I'm not you're brother, I'm your teacher. And there are no exceptions." Hanzo said. Hanzo looks at the three genin with an unflinching gaze that told them, he was very serious.

"Not only that. But you wont be able to take these bells unless you came at us with the intent to kill. Now then, we will begin when I say start." Kakashi said.

"Ready... set..." Hanzo started.


Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura jump away from the two Jonin to hide. Some time passes and hanzo and Kakashi are standing in the open next to a river. Around them, the kids have hidden in the trees and bushes.

"They've hid themselves well enough." Kakashi observed.

"I'm not surprised. Aside from Sakura, they've recieved a fair amount of training from me." Hanzo said, a hint of pride in his voice. In a nearby tree, Naruto and Sasuke are hiding.

"Damn, we lost Sakura." Naruto whispered.

"We can find her later. How do you wanna play this?" Sasuke asked, whispering.

"Well, we cant take them both. So, maybe we can split them up?" Naruto said.

"I dont know. Easier said than done." Sasuke said.

"I agree, bit of a risky move." Hanzo said, whispering, from behind the boys.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks big bro." Naruto said.

"Anytime." Hanzo said with an evil smile. Naruto and Sasuke sat there for a minute, sweating profusely.

"We should go." Sasuke said.

"Yeah." Naruto agreed. Naruto and Sasuke immediately jump out of the tree screaming. They land a few yards away from Kakashi and Hanzo, who has now reappeared next to him.

"Wow, Hanzo sure is fast." Sasuke said, amazed.

"Yeah. Well I guess hiding isnt an option." Naruto said.

"Going to fight boys? Are you sure you can handle us?" Hanzo asked with a smug smile. Naruto and Sasuke charge the Jonin. Sasuke jumps and goes for a kick to Kakashi's head. He blocks the attack and grabs Sasuke by the ancle, at the same time Naruto goes for a punch on Hanzo but blocked with the hilt of his sword. Hanzo then sent a strong punch into Naruto's chest, knocking him away. Meanwhile, Kakashi had swung Sasuke around by the ankle and made him hit Naruto. The two boys fell to the ground in a pile.

"Try again boys." Hanzo said. The boys got to their feet and charged once more. The boys jumped at the Jonin once more, however this time Naruto pulled a Kunai and threw it at Hanzo, hitting him in the throat.

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