"ISABELLA!" I laughed at my brother. "I thought you were coming tomorrow?" I asked him. "Indie Missed her Fave uncle, couldn't deprive her any longer." He took her straight off me and started to tickle her holding her above his head. "Careful with her," I tell him. "I'm going to help Ian with the shopping," I tell the two when my phone went off. "Don't drop her," I warn my brother, I've seen him with my dolls when we were younger, he used one of their heads as a football once.

I go out to the car to help Ian, I open the boot of the car straight away but it was empty. "Ian?" I say going around to the front of the car and opening the door. He was sat there holding the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. I looked at him, his face was pale and his eyes bloodshot. "Baby?" I cup his face and tears break free from his eyes. "Baby, it's okay. What's happened?" I ask him, he was clearly upset about something.

I sat on his lap closing the car door because I was getting wet from the rain. I rested my head against his. "E, babe, you need to talk to me." I encouraged him. I wiped his tears. "I'm sorry I cheated on you. I am. I love you so much and I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He was cupping my face. "we've been over this, Ian. It was a mistake. One mistake. We've been married for years. You're my husband if I was to talk away from one mist-"It was with Nikki." He said cutting me off. I pulled my hand away from his face. I felt sick. 

Nikki and he had a history. This wasn't a mistake, that happened with a random girl in the club. This was with someone he once had a thing with. Someone who wasn't my biggest fan. I blinked a few times. "We'll work on this... Go to therapy talk it through." He shook his head, his hand still cupping my face. A new wave of tears left his eyes. "She's pregnant." I closed my eyes no longer able to look at him. I felt sick. I wanted to get away from him but my siblings and his daughter are inside and I couldn't take it in there. Not around Indie. "So it wasn't once?" I asked still refusing to look at him. "No... the whole time Indie was under treatment." My breath got caught in my throat. "And you waited this long to tell me?" He shook his head. "She just called telling me she found out. I... I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me." He begged. "Your daughter was dying, in pain in the hospital and you were fucking someone. Someone that's not your fucking wife!" I shouted in his face. I take a deep breath. "How could you do that to her? You should have been there with her. Holding her hand. And you weren't there." 

How could he have done that. "She needed her dad. I needed my husband." I refused to let the tears fall from my eyes, I was holding them back the best I could. I couldn't cry in front of him, I didn't want him to see that. "Isabella." "You need to go to the store and get some food. Indie needs her lunch." I tell him opening the car door and running from the rain into the house. I kick my shoes off and wipe my face dry. 

"Where's the food?" Chase asked holding indie on his hip. "He got lost, just set the SatNav up for him." I lied. "Oh does he want me to go?" "He's gone," I tell him. "Let's go get you in the bath," I tell Indie taking her. "It's 12," Chase says. "We've been flying," I tell him as I hurried up the stairs to the bathroom. I run her a bath and bathe her trying to hold back the tears. I hear Ian come in and Chase and he spoke. Logan came up.

"Ian said do you want him to do Indie's lunch?" I nodded as I wrapped Indie in her towel. "Please." "Okay... You okay?" She asked with a frown. "I have really bad cramps... could you find me some painkillers?" I asked her. I lied, I was fine I just needed to explain the pained expression I knew she saw on my face. "Yeah, I can get her changed, if you want to get in bed for a bit. "I'll be fine," I tell her. 


I laid in bed, both Ian and I were awake. I could tell by the sound of his breathing. I sit up and he looks at me. "I'm going to check on Indie," I tell him. This is one of the first times she's slept in a separate room to us. "I can go." "I can't lay in here any longer," I tell him getting up and going down the hall to Indie. 

She was fast asleep. And it was a split-second decision. I turned the baby monitor off. I pushed everything Indie would need in her nappy bag and put it on my shoulder before picking her up and placing her in her car seat. I laid a blanket over her making sure she was warm and made my way downstairs to the office. I went into the safe and took out Indie and I's passports before taking my wedding rings off and leaving them on top of Ian's passport in the safe. heading out to the garage. I put her in the car and left. 

I left Ian in the house. I left my rings, I left everything I came with. I left Ian in London. I got on a flight home. I got lucky with timings and only had to wait an hour at the airport. I didn't even have my phone. Ian would assume I've gone into a different room to sleep or even gone on a walk if he heard the door opening downstairs. By the time he realised I was probably already halfway back home. 

When I got home I called Nina off the house phone and she came over immediately. I packed everything. My clothes, Indie's clothes, toys, pictures. And I left. I went to Nina's and Chris' house and they let me stay in their guest house with Indie. 

I felt guilty for just disappearing on Ian. But I was hurting so bad. I felt like my world was crashing down around me. Nothing made sense in my brain I couldn't even think straight. I was trying so hard to keep myself together for Indie's sake. 

I was sat in Nina's kitchen with Indie in her high chair and Koa was in his both Nina and I feeding them their breakfast. Chris was with Darcy and Noah elsewhere in the house. Indie grabbed ahold of her bowl and threw it on the floor. Normally I'd get over it pretty quickly, clean it up get her something else to eat, tell her that she shouldn't throw food. But I felt my world shatter as the plastic porridge filled bowl hit that floor. I burst into tears and I felt Nina holding me. She was talking but I couldn't make out the words. Indie was crying Koa was shouting. 

My husband cheated on me and is having a baby with another woman. 

How could he do that to me?

Through The Len's Part TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora