It's time to kill the bullshit

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It was Friday, today. I was getting the kids ready, and looking for things we need so I can go shopping

I run upstairs as I say "I'm going to the store today."

I clean up the things that were in the hallway, It wasn't much. Since we've been keeping the house clean. 

"Toilet paper," Debbie tells me 
I look at her then open the little closet "There are like 10 rolls in here, along with tubes of toothpaste, new toothbrushes, deodorant, pads, tampons, Condoms, Shampoo, Conditioner, body wash, diapers, wipes, and lotion." I inform her 

She smiles at me "thank you! I didn't know we had a supply closet." She tells me 

I smile at Debs "Well, now you do." I ruffle her hair before she goes downstairs 

Carl walks up to me "Mom, we need toothpaste." He tells me I smile at him as I get a tube of toothpaste and hand it to him as I smile say "Here, you go, bubba bear." He takes it as kisses me on the cheek, he walks to the restroom saying "Thank you, mom! You're the best. 

Kevin walks up to me "Can you give me a diaper, Fi?" He asked as he holds Liam I bend over and gave him two as I stand up "Thanks, angel." He kissed my head then goes back to our room with Liam 

Kevin has been living with us Gallaghers for two weeks now. He has gotten closer with the kids and me. We always cuddle at night as we talk until we fall asleep. I make him lunch before he leaves for work. He has gotten into a habit of kissing my head, which I ain't complaining about. 

Lip walks to the bathroom as he says "Ugh, so my SAT gig's a bust, but uh, I could scrape up some money another way If you need help."

"I'm okay Lip, I have it all handled, Whatever money you make is for you, just promise me to not do any more illegal shit," I tell him 

I see Carl with a taser "Is that a taser? Where'd you get that?" I asked 

"I let him borrow it," Lip informs me 

I give him a look as I inform "My son better not get caught carrying it by law enforcement. " Lip nods at me as he mumbled "Understood,"

"Carl got invited someplace by normal kids. Robbie Rebello's having a paintball party." Ian informs me as I handed him a towel He then mutters a "thanks." 

"Yeah, but he's not going, so I gave him the taser to play with, no worries it doesn't work," Lip tells me 

"Why aren't you going, bubba?" I asked Carl

"No. It costs 27$" he tells me I get my wallet out of my pocket, I get a forty out.

I hand it to him "Here, for the game, and so you can get something to eat." I tell him 

He runs up to me as he says "Awesome!"
He hugs me I hug back as he says "Thanks, mom." 
"No problem, Bubba, Be careful to not get injured on the face. Also, hand me the taser." I tell him 

"I will try, and here." He hands me the taser then goes downstairs. 

Lip looks at me "Thanks. Thank you for taking care of all of us, and thank you for Ian's and my new room.  Thank you for everything you have done our whole lives and thanks a lot for the past four months." Lip thanked me he gets up and gives me a hug 

"No problem, I'll always take care of you all, I love you guys," I tell him as I hug him back 

"We love you too, Fi." He tells me 

"Get ready for school, guys, you leave in forty," I tell them as Lip and I let go of our hug I then go downstairs 

After getting the kids ready for school, and making sure they eat breakfast and have their lunch packed, they left. Leaving, Kevin, Liam, and I. 

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