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It has been 4 days since the date Steve and I had. It's been two days since I have seen him. I will admit, I miss him.

It's been two weeks since I have been Fiona Gallagher. Two weeks since I died in my old life, Two weeks since I found out I am living in my favorite TV show.

I have always thought The real Fiona was Carl's mom, turns out it's true.

I am making a promise to protect my siblings and my son.

Yes you heard me, they are now officially my family. Which makes it officially my responsibility to provide for them.

First things first, The kids went to school already, I didn't have work today. After cleaning the house I got Liam and I ready.

Once leaving the house I lock the door behind me. Pushing Liam in his stroller. I walk to the L to get on the train to head to the court house.

I am officially changing Fiona's name, and it's going to be legally. It will take weeks to make it official, but I had everything I need for it.

Yesterday I looked through the attic and basement for many information I can use, to better the life for us Gallagher's.

After a twenty minutes ride on the train, I came to my stop. Liam and I would walk from here.

As we passed by store and many restaurants, I stopped by a few for job applications.

I notice that the original Fiona, wouldn't pay to close attention to the checks she got from her jobs. She get less money. Her bosses are trying to rig her, but not with me.

In the show, she pissed me off a tone, but she also did most, but fucked up the most.

That's not going to happen, it will be better, much better.
I want the kids life to be good, maybe even great.

After stopping by a few stores and restaurants. I finally made it to the courthouse. It took maybe three hours talking with people, writing forms, and other boring stuff, I had finally got a quart date to review my request.

I go back home with Liam and make dinner before the kids get home.

I am going to try my hardest to get to know the kiddos.
When the kids got home, we all ate like a family, We all talked about many things, such as Carl having a Science Fair. He asked for my help to do a project, which I gladly agree.

Lip and I talked about school, about his plans on trying to graduate high school.

Ian and I talked about him and Kash being together, I of course hit him in the back of the head, but it's his problem if he gets caught. I am mostly like him and Micky together but I keep quiet.

Debbie was telling me the latest gossip, that is happening in her school.
And Carl, well he does talk A lot around me. He always makes kid jokes.

I really disliked how the show barley put scenes with Carl and Fiona together.
The rest of the evening, everyone did their own thing, I did help Debbie and Carl with homework, but other then that it was relaxing.

Steve showed up when the kids were in bed, We stayed up and talked, watched a movie and cuddle. It was nice, I felt happy.

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