"W-Wait a minute- No!"

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" Tanjirou interrupted their little dispute. "Nezuko, our old house is near here! We should visit!"

I felt a spark of joy light up inside me. "Yeah! That would be so fun! We could show everyone around, and maybe even spend the night!"

"Spend the night?" Kanao arched an eyebrow. "But wasn't your home destroyed?"

"Don't worry, it was renovated and rebuilt, so it looks like nothing happened at all! And we also have pajamas and extra clothes there ready for us!"

"Ohh...." Zenitsu-kun smiled. "So that's why you guys asked us to borrow spare clothing that one time."

"So what does everybody think?" Tanjirou was pumped up. "Wanna come see our house?"


Happily, we all went forth towards our destination, ready to arrive and look around. I was really excited already, Zenitsu-kun had already showed me his home, and now it was my turn! Only sadly, I don't have any parents or caretaker to introduce him to, but that's alright! Just getting the opportunity to welcome him to my home like he did to me makes me elated. Now he'll learn what it's like to live in the mountains instead of the city!

Zenitsu's POV:

Not even a few minutes passed when we saw a small, traditional-looking house off in the distance. It looked so cozy and comforting, and even though I've never been there before, just gazing at it made me feel like I was suddenly home. Welp, I guess that's just the Kamado effect, I bet anyone who visits feels that same loveliness-- like being wrapped in a gentle blanket with a cup of hot cocoa in your hands.

I carefully let go of Nezuko-chan and plopped her on the ground. I could tell she was eager to walk around and give all of us a tour, definitely seems like she's fully awake and ready now.

With a bright, eye to eye expression, and rosy cheeks, Nezuko-chan reached out to grab my hand once again. "I know it's small, but there's a lot to show! Come on!" I only laughed, smiling as well just like the rest of the gang. Both the siblings brought us around so we could get familiar with our surroundings-- we paid our respects to the graves of their family, bittersweet, but I'm really glad we did it. They showed us the little garden they had for veggies and fruit, but they told us they mostly got food from up in the mountains. The little pond they had nearby was cool, it was also where they got water from. Inside the house was calming, it even smelt just like Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan even though they hadn't been living there. There was a living room, a huge bedroom where everyone slept, a humble kitchen, and only one bathroom. It made me wonder what it was like to live with so many siblings together in a house like this.

Though, for some reason when the tour was over, and everyone was inside chatting, I found myself kneeling down in front of the graves again, just observing them, almost even mourning. I couldn't tell what I was feeling, I wasn't upset or devastated, yet something in my heart made me come back to this spot.

Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan even planted flowers for them....

I cradled a flower growing from the ground in my hand, my fingers delicately running against the soft petals, my thumb accidentally touching the yellow pollen.

"Zenitsu-kun...?" Out of nowhere, Nezuko-chan's worried voice startled me from behind. "Is something wrong? Why are you out here by yourself?"

I turned around to look her in the eyes, a somewhat solemn smile across my mouth. "No, I'm fine. I guess I just wanted to pay them another visit or something...."

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن