Nothing now

Depuis le début

"There is not much to say about him. I rarely talk to him- that's when I'm in the mood for his bullshit which is mainly..." he stops and pretends to think. "Never."

"So you can't stand him?" I say and he nods.

"Pretty much. I despise the piece of shit."

I don't understand why he would hate his brother that much, but I can't say anything if I don't know what motives he has.

"He can't be that bad," I try to enlighten the mood.

Chase furrowed his eyebrows. "You don't know him like I do. He's done pretty fucked up shit, you would be repulsed by them."

"Past doesn't define who we are now."

He scoffs. "Trust me, Nina, he is the past."

I don't know what he means by that, but I'm guessing that he wants to drop the subject so I do. We both keep quiet until the food arrives. The waitress puts down our place and then leaves leaving us eating in silence. This is the most awkward dinner I've ever had.

Chase's POV.

We are now eating and as I twirl my pasta with my fork I look over at Nina cutting her steak quietly.

I feel like a total asshole when I raised my voice at her, I didn't mean to but the fact that she was defending Spencer made me furious.

She doesn't know him, she doesn't know what he's done to me. So how the fuck can she say that? That's because she's too naive, she sees good in everything and that's what makes me attracted towards her. I suppose I cannot blame her because she did not know.

Never did once I thought I would have fallen this deep for any girl- especially younger than me, but Nina, she's special.

Fuck! I've never apologized to anyone, but I don't want her to be upset with me, not after that kiss.

The kiss. Her mouth tasted so sweet-she taste so sweet- as well as her soft red-plump lips. Nina is the definition of the perfect girl.

My perfect girl.


She looks up from her plate, I noticed that her food is still intact except for the fact that she's cut a piece of steak, just hasn't eaten it yet.

"Yes?" Her doe eyes stared up at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you in that way, I just got carried away." She frowns a little before she shakes her head.

"It's fine." She gives me a small smile.

The first time she smiles at me instead of giving me an eye roll. We continue to eat making small talks occasionally and when we finished our food and when I say 'we' I mean me. Nina didn't eat much, and when I questioned it she just said; I wasn't really hungry.

"I need to use the restroom, I'll be back." She gets up, leaving her card on the table. The waitress comes with the receipt and I instantly hand her my credit card. Nina insisted on paying for dinner earlier and I thought she was kidding, but now that she's left her card I knew she wasn't.

I wasn't going to let her pay for it, of course. When she comes back and sees that her card is left on the table she frowned.

"Chase I told you that dinner was on me, why did you do that?"

"I told you that I wasn't going to let you pay, let's go." I stand up and walk towards the door, opening it for her as she walks out to the car.

Nina's POV.
Time skipped.

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