Friday Fun

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It's Friday, I didn't have school today so I'm currently in my bedroom bored out of my mind.

On days like these I would've been talking to Jacob or watching movies with him, but he went out with his friends to a party Emerson, another one of his friend, is throwing.

But that's when I suddenly remembered that Chase asked me to hang out later today. Yeah, no.
Even if I wanted to go, I don't have his number to text him.

Then I also remembered that he added me on Instagram, maybe I could text him there.

'𝐼 thought about it'

I expected him to reply later but he didn't.

'Yes?' I smile at his response

'Yeah, just let me know at what time I should be there.'

'No need, I'm picking you up at six sharp, be ready;) '

I text back with an okay and watch tv for a little while since it's one-thirty in the afternoon right now.

I'm currently getting ready, nothing special but simple. Just some black jeans with a red long sleeve and my doc's.

Chase texted me he was outside and I make my way downstairs. I see him standing next to his white car with a smirk.

"Looking good I see," he says opening the passenger door.

"Well, it's nothing special," I hear him chuckle while shutting my door.

We head towards the mall, making small talks occasionally. Once we arrive, we make our way towards the entrance, and I have the chance to see that he's wearing black jeans, a white V-neck T-shirt with a red flannel over it.

We're matching right now.

We walk inside the arcade and I look around seeing a lot of kids playing around, couples playing and a bar full of men.

Chase buys a card, giving me a sassy look since he didn't let me pay.

"Ready to have fun?" Chase asks.

"Sure," I say.

'I wanna' starts playing through the speakers.

He walks over to a basketball court and slides the card on both, giving me a wink as he straightens himself up and grabs a ball, throwing it and succeeding.

We continue playing, sending a few glances until the game ends and he wins, I laugh and he smiles.

We walk over to the skeeball and I slide the card twice and we start to play. I throw the small ball making it to one-thousand. I smirk to myself and look over at Chase to see that he only scored five-hundred.

I continue throwing the balls until the game comes to an end. I scream in joy and so does he with a big grin.

We play a different game when we head over to the Lazer tag, both of us on different teams. I'm red and Chase is blue.

The bell rings: the game just started. I ran the opposite way from him, shooting some random guy. I turned around to see Chase smirking through the darkroom.

I quickly ran to hide, hearing him follow behind me, but he stops looking around. I take my chance to shoot him then, he turns around meeting my gaze. I smirk and he playfully glares at me.

I take off the vest and throw it on the ground. I get out of the room and look around seeing that there is no one by the Pac-Man machine, I start walking when I feel arms wrapped around my waist lifting me from the ground.

I laugh and I can hear him do the same. He places me down and I meet his gaze with a huge grin on my face, the both of us almost breathless from running and laughing.

We stare at each other eyes for what felt like a lifetime. When our heavy breathing ceases, is then that I realized how close we are. His arms are still wrapped around my waist, my arms around his neck, and the tips of our noses almost touching.

I soon realize how close we really are, and I unwrapped my hands from his neck, clearing my throat. His arms leave my waist stepping back.

I suddenly feel cold.

He clears his throat and speaks. "We should eat. Are you hungry?"

His question surprises me, we got here forty minutes ago.

"Um yeah, yeah sure." He nods and we walk to the food court.

I checked my phone seeing it was already eleven, almost midnight. Time really went by fast while we were eating the pizza Chase bought for us.

The mall is already closed, but the arcade closes around twelve, so I told Chase that we should leave and he agreed.

We were now in the car, we rode in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes until he decided to break it.

"We should have more days like these."

I sigh and stare out the window seeing we are close to my home."Yeah," I nod.

"So, tell me, how is it living with the mayor?" Even though I'm not looking at him I can tell he's smirking.

I shrug. "Don't get to see him much,"

"I suppose that it comes in handy, no?"

"What do you mean?" I say turning my head to look at him.

"Being a Smith, of course." He says causing me to look out of the window once again.

"I'm not a smith," I say.

I think it's sad that people are really believing that I can ever be a Smith. That's just another sign that I am either forgetting about my dad, or my father is forgetting about me way too fast.

"Then what are you, Ms.Nina?" Chase asked.

"I'm Nina Morgan," I said, slightly smiling.

He stays quiet which makes me look at him, he looks pale- almost like he wants to throw up. I frown, maybe it's the pizza, it's making my stomach hurt.

Once I see that he's pulled into my house I unfastened my seatbelt.

"Thanks for the ride," I say, holding back a yawn.

Chase glances up at me, his eyes holding an emotion I can't quite read. He only nods.

"I hope you had fun," he says with a small smile.

I nod and get out of the car. "I did, thanks."

I really did.

He smiles and chuckles looking down.

"No need. See you around, take care."

"You too, goodnight."


I walk inside my house.

Today was different, a day happened and I didn't even think about my father.

I actually had fun.

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