Old Ties 2

54 2 0

The entire car ride with Dom is awkward silence, of course, neither of us has anything to say when the truth was told itself.

"It's here," I say and Dom hits the brakes, both of us jolt forward, luckily we had our seatbelts on.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "You live here?"

He sounds shocked, almost like Chase sounded when he first walked me home. I hope Dom doesn't ask questions about these past years.

"Yeah, I do."

"Is it me, or this house is bigger than all the ones we've passed by?" He said chuckling, I force myself to do the same thing while getting out of the car.

"Thank you," I say opening the door.

"No problem." He rubbed the back of his neck. "What are you doing today? Later I mean."

He's almost twenty and he still gets nervous when he speaks to me.

"Uh, nothing, why?"

Of course, I know why, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Do you want to go to the movies later?"

I just talked to him today for the first time in three years and now he's asking me on a date?
Is he that desperate to make it up to me?

"That would be lovely, but I don't think I'm in the mood to go out." I say, placing my book on the small table beside the big door.

Dom seems disappointed by my answer but what I said next was let out before I thought twice about it."We could watch movies here, though."

A small smile appeared across his face as he nods. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind."

"Come on in then," I opened the door wider. Dom looks around- his eyes mid-wide, probably wondering how my mom could afford this place on her own.

Little does he know that she's married to the mayor of this town and that I have a step-brother who's arrogant but sweet in his own way.

I walk over to the living room, opening the doors as Dom follow behind me. I take the remote from the side table, turn the tv on, and go straight to Hulu.

Seeing the small clock I noticed that it was already one- twenty four, meaning that I would've been out of school in one more hour. But instead, I'm in my house about to watch movies with my ex-boyfriend.

"What do you want to watch?" I sit down, scrolling through a bunch of options, Dom sits beside me, probably a little too closely but I don't say anything.

"I don't know ,whatever movie you'd like," he says scooting closer.

"Uh- what about Jennifer's body? Have you seen it?" I say and he shakes his head."Okay then, let's watch it."

"Okay," Dom's arm brushes with mine.
"Shit, trouble would've been saved if only she hadn't went with those punk guys." We just finished the movie, and Dom is ranting about it.

"It's a movie, Dom." I laugh. "Of course, she went."

I'm getting deja vu

"Yeah-" he's cut off by the doorbell.

I hold up a finger. "Wait, I'll be right back."

I'm hoping that it isn't Mr. clement. God that old man is going to kill me one day! Always causing problems with the people he hires at the store, and then comes complaining to Luca... but when Luca isn't here, he complains to me! I never hear the end if it with that man.

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