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I don't know if I heard that right because I remain still. No moving- not even breathing- I'm pretty sure my eyes are as wide as they can be.

I'm waiting for him to tell me that he's joking and that he isn't going to be a father at eighteen, but he doesn't. Instead, he looks at me waiting to snap out of my shock state and say something, but what can I say? If he's not kidding I don't know what to say.


That was all I could think of in the state I am in.

How the heck does he expect me to react to the fact he's gotten a girl freaking pregnant?

Jacob lets out a big sigh and closes his eyes, running his hand through his hair. "Nina, I don't know what to do, that's why I came to you. Can you just tell me what to do, so I can do it and leave and forget that we ever talked about this?"

Shit, he really isn't kidding. What the fuck? How did he even- when? I mean, what? I got a hell lot of questions and he will answer them if he wants my help.

"What do you mean you got a girl pregnant?" I hiss, slapping his arm because he deserves it.

"Ouch! What was that for? I didn't do anything wrong." He says making me scoff.

I slap him again. "You didn't do anything wrong? You got a girl pregnant, you dumbass!"

I throw him a pillow and he catches it.

"Hey, stop it!" He throws the pillow back at me. "I came to you because I thought you would help me and not throw fucking pillows at me."

"Well, how do you expect me to react?! Am I supposed to tell you congratulate you for doing something so stupid, huh?"

He throws his head back and groans, walking over to my bed throwing himself in it.

"You know that my father will kill me if he finds out, that's why I need you. I need you to tell me what to say to him because the mother of my kid is eight weeks pregnant and it's not like she can get an abortion now."

Was he seriously thinking of killing an unborn child that doesn't fault the mistakes of their parents?

Where did the Jacob I know go?

"Was that your plan? Tell the girl to get an abortion so you can continue screwing around?"

He stays quiet, it's still an answer though.

I scoff rolling my eyes at the fact that it crossed his mind killing a baby. He has no right to decide for the whoever the girl is. It's the woman who's having it, not him. It's her body, and her decision. No man should have a say in the matter because they are not going through it.

"You know what? I'm glad this is happening. Maybe you can finally settle down and know what real life is about. Maybe you'll even stop drinking for the sake of your kid." I say with no regrets.

Yes, that sounded a bit bitchy, but it's the truth. He needs to stop drinking thinking that his problems will go away like that. Maybe this kid can be his salvation for a better future.

"I get it, you're disappointed in me, I am too trust me. I never thought I would go this low in my life, but here's the thing..." he stands up. "The mother of my kid is downstairs in the living room-"I cut Jacob off.

"She's where!?"

"I told her that you would know how to help us, that's why she's here, no other reason, okay? Plus, you're finally going to meet her." Jacob shrugged with a smile, like that would make matters better.

I don't know if to be angry or disappointed-maybe both, but he's right. I'm the only one who can help them right now.

"Fine, let's go."

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