Too deep

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After Chase and I went to the nearest store to get water, we had to wait twenty minutes before going back to school for his car since all teachers left were still there.

There's no denying that I won't get in trouble, I will. But knowing Luca, he's going to convince my mother that I'm just a teenager... he'll probably try to blame it on Jacob too.

In his eyes, Jacob is a bad influence to me, but he also knows how much we love each other and how Jacob will do anything but put me in any kind of danger.

I won't let that happen.

I sent Annika a message a while ago, just letting her know that we were on our way to get Jacob. I mean we because Chase is driving me there.

"Wait!" I say and Chase stops the car jolting us forward. "I think it's here."

We get down and I knock in the house I suppose is Annika's. The house is big and brown with white, it's nice. Annika appears in the doorframe, her black hair is up in a ponytail and her eyes seem relieved once they see me.

"It's you, thank God." She said, opening the door wider for us to come in.

But as we do, I see Jacob on the couch he looks clean, maybe he took a shower who cares.

He looks up at me and his eyes widen "Nina, what are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes and hear Chase walk by my side.

I'm hoping he doesn't start whining about what Chase is doing here because I don't even know.

Jacob lets out a groan and runs his hand through his hair. "What is he doing here?"

"Chase was kind enough to drive me here after you were somewhere else instead of home." I sternly say before grabbing his arm, trying to set him up but he's too heavy.

I don't want to embarrass him, but he will leave me no choice if he starts arguing.

"Hello, buddy." Chase nodded towards Jacob who nods back before rolling his eyes.

"Let's go," Jacob only groans, throwing himself back onto the couch. Why is he making this so difficult? Can't he see all I want to do is help him before his dad finds out?

"Jacob please," Annika speaks walking to his side and gives him pleading eyes. I have no clue what she's trying to do but if it's what I think it is, I'm not the only person who makes Jacob vulnerable.

He lets out a sigh and sits up waving his hands around. "Okay, fine let's go."

Thank you, Annika.

"Jacob, where is your car?" I ask looking around for his keys but fail to do so.

"I-shit! I don't know, I probably forgot it in the bar-yeah, I did." He says rubbing his temples.

"You did what!" I scowled.

Is he serious right now?!

Luca will kill him if he loses that car! A black BMW for God's sake! It cost him a fortune, and okay, maybe this car isn't the most valuable thing for him, but when it comes from your parents it should.

"Let's just calm down and go for it, okay?" He stands up, walking towards the door, leaving me standing there like an idiot while Chase and Annika walk behind me.

He's really getting on my nerves this time, and I don't know what to do.

Somehow I'm always the one helping him- and I don't mind- but he also needs to be taught a lesson, I just don't have the heart to do so.

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