Town Boy

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Chase's POV.


Her name is Nina. Fuck it suits her well.

She's fucking beautiful. Her big, green eyes that I could get lost in if she allowed me to. Her pale, smooth skin, and her long wavy brown hair. There are no words to describe how gorgeous she is.

I wonder why she doesn't talk much, she barely glances at people. But from what I got to see today, she's always in her own little world- which a good thing- but seeing as I have taken an interest in her, I wouldn't mind if she was a little more open.

I only met her yesterday, but today I got to know her a bit more, even if all she gave me was a short answer.

She's different from the girls I've met by far- in my classroom especially- the girls... they stared at me the entire lesson. I'm not a big school fan, but my God were those bitches annoying, they would talk to me throughout everything.

I thought that senior girls here would be more mature, yet Nina, being a sophomore, acts more grown-up than them. But Nina seemed less interested in me which makes me more interested in her.

"Little Griffin is back from school," I turned around to find my older brother, Spencer with his arms crossed on his chest.

I roll my eyes and groaned. "What the fuck do you want, Spencer?"

He smirks and walks past me, taking the cup of juice I had in my hand, and taking a sip of it.

"Well, I gotta ask, what are you on? Why are you smiling like an idiot?" He frowns.

"I don't think that is any of your business," I tell him through gritted teeth.

Spencer and I don't have the best sibling relationship. We're complicated, the kind of complicated that when you get mad you beat up the other.

We did a lot of shitty things when were young, and even though he's forgotten about the past, I can't and never will.

"When are you going to forgive me? I did it for us, for you." He points at me.

"Yeah, right." I scoffed. "We all know why you did it. You just wanted to save your ass while the rest of us were manipulated."

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes and leaves the kitchen.

I go back to my room and get my guitar. I started playing two years ago even though sometimes it's hard to put lyrics together, I try. But I can't seem to concentrate when I have something- rather someone in my mind.


I look over at the clock beside my desk and see that is already nine pm. I slipped onto my bed and scrolled through my Instagram, coming across a familiar face.

I just found Nina's account.

I quickly press the follow button and turn off my phone.
I woke up earlier than usual today, I wanted to pick Nina up so we could head to school together, and I don't know, get to know her more perhaps.

I'm currently in my car waiting for her to get out of her house. I can't call to let her know I'm here because I don't have her number, and also because I want it to be surprise.

I look up from my phone to see the beauty exiting her house. She's wearing light blue jeans, a brown long sleeve, and boots.

I start my car and stop next to her, rolling down the passenger window. She turns her head towards me, looking kind of surprised but she quickly masked it away.

"Get in, " I smiled.

She doesn't, instead she furrows her eyebrows at me."What are you going here?"

"What does it look like? Picking you up." I say.

"I never asked you to?" She stated although it came out more as a question.

"You didn't. But come on, I'm not leaving here without you." I smirk.

After a moment of doubt, she rolls her eyes at me and gets in. "Don't do this again, I much rather walk."

"Why?" I ask, trying to engage more.

"I'd like to get coffee." She only says.

"Do you want me to stop by?" I ask and she only hummed in response.

I find myself getting coffee in this small, yet cozy cafe. Soon, our orders are done, Nina gets a black coffee while I got a caramel macchiato.

Arriving at school, Nina is quick to take her seatbelt off and jumps out of the car. I try to follow behind her, getting out of my car and locking it before I ran by Nina's side.

"Why the hurry, doll?" I asked throwing my finished cup of sugar away.

"Don't call me that." She glares at me."And you just don't seems to get the hint."

"What hint?" I teased.

"That I want you to leave me alone," Nina grumbled.

"Why? It's not like I'm bothering you, am I? " I push it even further. "Come on, you know you love having me around."

I wrap my arm around her shoulder giving her a wider smirk. She stops walking and glares at me before slapping away my arm.

"Don't touch me."

Feisty, I like it.

She walks into her classroom and I watched as she sits at the back of the class. After the bell rings, I start walking to my first period.

I sit down, feeling most of the girls in the classroom staring at me. I wouldn't mind the eyes if it was her, but they aren't, and that annoys me.

"Good morning, class, please take a seat the lesson is about to begin."  The teacher says.

I take out my book and a pen, I hardly copy anything. I'm just waiting for a break to see Nina again.

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