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A/N: Music on top like always make sure to play it when the time comes! Enjoy.🤍
I turn on the light of the basement making the big room light up in color.

Jacob and I tend to play here when we're bored. He practically had to beg his father to buy us all of the games: The  pool table, mini-golf, football table, and a big tv with long black couches.

We agreed that only close friends could use this room, and as far as I know, Jacob hasn't brought anyone here yet. But I have now. Once again breaking my own rule.

I know how much Jacob dislikes Chase because he's the only guy at school who doesn't feel threatened by him, but I also know that if he finds out I brought Chase here he would go mad and beat the living light out of him. Chase would probably do so too. Why am I taking Chase's side on this? Family is supposed to come first.

I adore Jacob, but he doesn't make the best decisions ever, and intimidating the people at school for 'respect' certainly isn't one.

"This is nice," Chase says behind me, walking down the spiral staircase.

"I know, want something to drink?" I walk over to the small fridge in the corner, he nods and looks around.

I grab a water bottle for me and a beer for Chase. "Do you often use this room?" He asks his back turned on me as he still looking around.

"Sometimes," I stand by his side, handing him the beer. "Only when Jacob and I have nothing useful to do."

"Smith does have a soft spot for you, huh?" I hear him mutter but I decided to ignore his comment.

I hate the fact that people believe that Jacob is cold-hearted because he isn't. All he wants it's to feel loved and appreciated but not by those people who use him for what he is but by his parents.

He wants to hear his dad say how proud he is of him, and he wants his mom to stay with him and show that she cares for him.

But they don't. That's why he drinks knowing that he'll never hear his dad say that to him, he gets drunk to prove a point and he drinks to forget that his mother doesn't care about him.

I know that just by looking into his eyes, in the end he's just like me. We will all die at some point, but the sad thing is that I will leave this world with so much to say.

Everyone will.

"Let's play pool," Chase speaks across me throwing the stick at me which I'm quick to capture. I scoff at the fact that he almost hit the tv.

"Go ahead, destroy anything you'd like, why don't you?" I say sarcastically walking over to the small table on the side of the fridge taking the remote in my hand.

"Don't give me any ideas or else I don't know what will happen, sweetheart." He jokes, shooting off the ball from the middle.

A small smile appears across my lips and I shake my head at his words.

I turn the tv on and press the YouTube to play some music since the stereo was broken- to Jacob being drunk- after some scrolling, I click on the song, and soon enough ' I hate myself for loving you' by Joan Jett starts playing.

"I must say, you got some pretty good taste in music." Chase says leaning on the pool table while holding his stick with his free hand.

I shrug adding some chalk to the tip of my stick. "She's an icon, her songs deserve all the recognition they get."

Even if I'm not looking at Chase, I know he has a smirk on his lips. "The aren't bad but come on, The Clash and Theory of a Deadman? Pff, way better."

"You are delusional if you think that," I say bending down, hitting the ball making the shot I know.

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