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The bell rings, dismissing us for free period.

It felt like an eternity sitting here and listening to my professor rant about a story we've heard many times from him. At least we already know the answers to the questions he'll asks again.

People start walking out the door, but I hear my name being called out. I glanced up seeing my teacher waving at me from his desk. I didn't do anything, perhaps they'll ask me about Jacob.

"You want to speak to me?" I hold my notebook and some pencils in my hand. He hands me a paper and as I take it, I blink at him in confusion.

"It's the test from last week." He explained. "I haven't given it to nobody yet, but I figured you would want it."

I frowned. "Why are you returning me mine and not everyone else's?"

"Because none of them got a 90 which is why I'm giving you your paperwork back." He smiled.

This is weird. Since when does a teacher only return paperwork to those students who got a higher grade?

"I'm sorry, sir, but wouldn't that be unfair to the other students?" I say with a dry tone.

Mind you, this is a teacher that literally got caught making out with a senior last year. They didn't kick him out because the girl was legal, that was still fucking weird though.

He only chuckles and grabs the paper from my hand placing it back inside his binder.

"Right, I just thought you would-" I cut him off.

"With all due respect, sir, I don't want different treatment from the one my classmates receive."

He stares at me with a blank face, but it's soon replaced by the fakest smile I've ever seen.
"It won't happen again."

If he could yell at me right now, I'm pretty sure he would.

"You're dismissed," He waves me off like I'm some kind of pet before getting back to work.

Is he serious right now?

If he wasn't my professor I would think he's trying to hit on me. Not that I'm self-obsessed but what's there to believe when you're teacher starts to randomly give you special treatment?


I walk out of his classroom and I have no doubt that he's staring at me right now. Walking towards my locker, I feel a presence from behind me and I know that it's not just some other kids walking or else they would be speaking.

"What do you want, Chase." I say, stopping in front of my locker.

"You're that into me that you can tell whenever I'm around, sweetheart?"

I glare at him. "You're the only one who follows me around like a lost little puppy."

"That was a mean," Chase grabs a strand of hair from my shoulder.

"Seems pretty fair to me-"I slap his hand away from my hair, "-stop touching me, would you?"

I earn a glare from him. "Are we going to eat here or do you want to go grab a bite somewhere else?"

"There is no we, not until tomorrow. Either way, don't you have any other friends you could annoy other than me?" I start walking to the back doors.

Chase huffs at me. "How can I possibly annoy you? I'm pretty fucking fantastic."

You don't annoy me, you get me nervous.

When I don't answer he grabs my arm making my breathing get stuck in my throat, why does he have so much effect on me? I barely know the guy or what's there to know about him anyway.

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