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The rest of the day goes like every other day: go to this class, then go to the other one, then the next one, and now, free period; lunchtime.

I hate having lunch in the cafeteria or in those picnic tables. They're full of people that talk behind each other's backs, not my cup of tea.

That's why I always sit at the back of the school field. Always leaned back in the same tree and read, I bought a bagel so that's what I'm having today. I hate school lunch so I don't often eat here.

"You don't really like people, huh?" A familiar voice asked.

I sit up, my head snapping to see who spoke. That Chase guy. What is he doing here?

"And you've noticed that, great." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and leaning back onto the tree.

He chuckles and walks across me leaning back on the ground. "What are you doing here anyway?"

Chase guy looks at my lap and then makes eye contact with me. I close my book and sit up straight, pulling down my sweatshirt from my exposed thighs.

"I could ask you the same thing," I say. "I thought you'd like to sit and have lunch with your friends." That makes him smile.

"That was the plan, until I remembered that you wouldn't give me your name, so I became intrigued and I had to come find out." His smile turned into a smirk. " I decided to follow you after your history class was over."

"You think that by following me around you'll get my name?" He nods with a simple 'mhm'.

I roll my eyes and look that there are only ten minutes left.

"What's your favorite color?"

I narrowed my eyes back at him. "You follow me after I finished my lesson and now you're asking me what my favorite color is?" I scoffed looking away.

He pretends to think about it before saying; "Yeah, that is exactly what I'm asking."

I look back at him and shook my head in disbelief. He continues to look at me waiting for an answer.

"I don't have one," I tried, but he looks at me with an 'are-you-serious look, I sigh and shrug, shaking my head. "Green... I guess."

"Mine is red- don't get me wrong- green is a great color, but I think black is outstanding." I nod, getting up and so does Chase.

He grabs my wrist turning me around. "Why do you always walk away from me?"

He asks, his hazel eyes looking deep into my green ones. Some random feeling starts in my belly and I shudder.

"I don't know, stalker, why do I?" I ask sarcastically, turning around to walk away when suddenly I trip with a branch on the ground.

Before I could touch the floor, Chase wraps his arms around my waist pulling me up.

I didn't realize how close we were until I look up from his chest to meet his eyes. We were only a few inches away. Our noses almost touching.

I was trying to get out of his arms when his grip tightened, I look up at him once again.

"Now, we want to be more careful where we walk right, princess?" He smirked which made me feel something in my stomach again, something that felt good.

I got out of his arms and adjusted my clothing,  walking away.
I'm heading towards the school exit when an arm is suddenly around my shoulder, I look up to see Chase... again. Wearing the same smug smirk.

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