"This is no ordinary castle my dear." He answered. "This whole forest along with my estate is charmed to where the desires and emotions of the master and/or mistress of this domain effect the atmosphere. Here everything around me responds to my wants and feelings. The same can be said for you now that I have made you mistress of all that I possess. Whatever you wish, the slightest whim, you shall have it."

"Like when you allowed the library and the music room to be opened up to me? Last time we spoke I told you that reading and music were my favorite pass times. You even added my favorite type of books and a harpsichord. Thank you for that."

"So they please you? The rooms?"

"Very much."


"But why have you gifted me with these luxuries? Why have you made me the mistress of your abode? Why are you so concerned with my comfort?"

"I was raised under the belief that a lady must always be treated with courtesy. Especially one who is gentle and has heart. While you remain here I shall only behave as a gentleman does and my whole estate will be nothing but accommodating."

"How is it that your castle can respond to wishes and feelings? How can it have the ability to do such a thing?"

"It has this ability because it was created by a fairy's spell."

"A fairy?" She said intrigued. During her childhood she had read many books and heard many stories about fairies, from what she knew they were always sweet, pretty, and friendly. She would sometimes imagine that she had a special fairy friend who would comfort her when she was lonely.

"I did not think fairies existed." She said. "My father always dismissed them as nothing more than a silly story told to amuse children."

"Your father is foolish to dismiss their existence because they are very real."

"I have never seen a fairy but I must confess when I heard stories of them as a child I longed to meet one."

"If you knew what they were really like then you would not dare have such a desire."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because fairies are not as they are told in stories."

"Tell me what they are really like? Are they small?"

"No. They are about the same height as a human being."

"What do they look like? Are they beautiful?"

"They're very beautiful. Their beauty is often associated with elements of nature. Things like flowers and trees. They have a certain twinge to their eyes that make them stand out and their ears are pointed. Their movements are like the wind and their voices are like the twinkling of crystal bells."

"How lovely. They must be the loveliest things in all the world."

"No." Alastor disagreed as he carefully ran his clawed fingers over Charlotte's reflected image in a glass hanging nearby. "No there is a creature far more lovelier than them."

Charlotte tried to stay focused on her goal but his voice and his words sounded so wonderful. She closed her eyes and began to feel it caress her.

"Tell me more. Do they have wings?"

"No. But they wear sacred robes that allow them to go anywhere in the world. A fairy's sacred robe is her most prized possession. If she is seen without it by mortal eyes then she is forever considered tainted by her kind and if her robe falls into the arms of a mortal then she must stay with him always."

"Do they grant wishes?"


"Are there fairy godmothers?"


"Do they help people?"

"They only hurt people. They like to spend their days tormenting human beings just to amuse them and they do it without any pity or remorse."

Her eyes flashed open when he said that.

"Like you do?"

"I have never tormented anyone for amusement."

"What about your victims? You kill them and devour them."

"Yes. I kill for food and no other reason. Whatever life I hunt and take it's all just to provide nourishment for myself. Just like how your father would kill a stag to feed you."

"Eating a stag and eating a human are two different things."

"Not to me and to animals. Wolves will kill and eat any living creature with flesh and blood which includes humans. In their eyes your kind is no exception, you're still fresh meat."

"But you are not a wolf."

"No I am not."

"Are you a man?"

He did not answer.

"Are you a man?" She repeated. "Your servants are all animals so what does that make you?"

He still did not answer.

"Do not ignore me! Please! I must know! Are you a man?!"

Her heart was pounding rapidly as she waited for his answer.

"I cannot say if I am a man or not." He finally responded.

"What do you mean? Either you are a man or you're not!"

"Pray do not make me explain because to do that I would have to let you see me."

"Then let me see you."

"No! You must never see me! If you ever gaze upon my face you will regret it I promise you!"

His voice had changed drastically from what it usually sounded like. Normally his voice was one of confidence, mischief, and charisma. He spoke in a tone that made him come off as if he believed that he was invincible. But now his voice was full of desperation, distress, and fear. He was sincerely terrified of her ever seeing him. But why? What made him so afraid to show himself to her? What could he possibly have to fear? He's the blood thirsty and ruthless one. Nothing should frighten him.

"Why can I not see your face?" She asked. "Why do you hide from me? Not seeing you only makes me more scared. I would be much more at ease if I could see you."

"So you think but you cannot even imagine the horror that is my appearance." He said. "If you were to see me you would never know ease again."

"I don't believe that. Last night you claimed to be honest but what honest man hides his face? How can I trust you to keep our deal if you won't even look me in the eye when you give me your word?"

"I will not tell you this again! If you do not listen then whatever awful thing happens to you is your own fault! You must never try to see my face! Ever!"

She heard his footsteps move quickly, a noise that meant he was running away. She got up from the table and tried to chase after him but by the time she had left the dining room he was no where in sight and there was no inkling of where he could have gone.

"Come back!" She pleaded. "Don't leave me here alone!"

But no matter how many times she called he would not return. He didn't even come back when she proceeded to eat her meal with her back turned and the loneliness of it all caused her to cry.

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