Chapter 24: speaking up and leaving...

Start from the beginning

"Am sorry" she managed to say but her father who's anger us rising with every passing minute shut her up immediately

"you're sorry. Is that what will solve this issue. When I said that you're useless and irresponsible, everyone thinks am just saying it because I hate you or something but no that's the truth. You want to tarnish my well built reputation Michelle. Thank goodness I didn't let the public know that I have daughters if not how would I have handled this. This stupid act of yours cab ruin my reputation without a second glance and oh..." He scoffs

" What was I even thinking giving you my company. I knew you could not do anything, not even a single reasonable thing with it other than to just ruin it. I am truly disappointed seriously, like I expected many things from you but this, no! I didn't expect this from you. Carrying a bastard child not going to happen in my house!". He spat and that made Michelle to loose all her control she's been gathering.

"For your information hon Stephenson, my unborn child is not a bastard, I know who the father is and I am going to keep this baby. As a matter of fact I am leaving this house. And oh about your company, like I promised I'll still prove you wrong that I can handle it reasonably. Just give me six months". She paused looking at her father's surprised face while she taps her feet.

He never expected her to talk back at him. She herself is shocked at her courage "And yes why are you even shouting and calling me names as though I did anything bad that hurt you or affects you. You never cared dad. Your image is not tarnished because no one knows I exist as your daughter, so you have no right whatsoever to judge me or question ant of my actions or decisions.

You can stop cartering for my needs now because I can take care of myself. I would've given you the company back but I just want to prove you wrong about me" she turned to climb the stairs but paused and turned back.

Facing her parents again "both of you are not worthy to be called parents so don't and quit acting like one because it doesn't suit you. Mother... And father..." With that she gave them one last painful look and went upstairs to her room packing her clothes and stuff.

"Enough is enough. Good thing I said that to him. Where's Mira?" She said to herself as she keeps packing stuff into her big traveling bag. Few minutes later Mira entered the room.

"Hey Mich, what are you doing?" She asked with surprise at what she saw her sister doing.

"Packing my stuff" Michelle snapped

"Why?" Miranda asked.

"Why?, Because am leaving this house and am keeping this baby but I have to leave this house first. I just finished lashing out on Dad and staying here any longer is not going to be conducive for me, my baby and work". She explained and Miranda nodded in understanding.

"Where are you going to be staying then?" She asked.

"At Patrick's. He agreed to let me stay with him while I look for a house of my own" she explained and Miranda nodded once more in understanding.

"I'll be visiting, often" she said tearfully.

" Sure". Miranda stood looking at her only sister, the only person in her family that doesn't see her as a mistake leaving again for the second time. The last time she left was when she went to school and it wasn't easy for her. Living with her parents and not talking to any of them. So boring. She really wished there's another way out but there's none and she can't stop her sister from taking action on the decision she has made. Michelle can be very stubborn.

After minutes of silence Michelle spoke again "Mira, your remembered the time you asked me if I wanted to take revenge?" Miranda was shocked at the question, not what she was expecting.

"Yes I remembered. What happened?" She asked curiously hoping Michelle hasn't found out what she's been up to these days.

"I have decided that I want to take the revenge on Victor. I could wait on God but he takes time and I don't have that time". Michelle said with all seriousness. Miranda looked at her sister. She's somewhat happy atleast she has her sister's approval to continue what she has started already.

"Ain't you going to say anything?" Michelle asked at Miranda's silence. Miranda smiled

" Oh l, uhm no am just happy you've decided to make this decision". Silence.

" I saw you and Jason the other day at the restaurant". Michelle asked and Miranda nodded she has been expecting the question.

"Yeah, we're just friends nothing serious" she defended and Michelle let out a " hm" in response.

"Done! I have to start going before it gets late". She said as she dragged the two suitcases to the door. Miranda hugged her back.

"I'll miss you big Sis' she cooked

" Same here baby sis, but the need has to be done" she turned and kissed her forehead. " Stay away from men especially the handsome and nice ones. They're not what you think or show they're" she said as she left. Miranda stood staring till she closed the door behind her. She sighed and sat on the bed. "Time to plan it out". She smiled to herself.


Oops at last she updated.
Am so sorry guys for the delay. I was busy with school stuff I just got admission into University and it's a whole lots of stress. But I'll try to be updating.

The book it's almost coming to an end "yeh!".

Like Michelle really stood up at her father, am shocked 😳
I wonder what Miranda is up to🤔.
My Patrick be looking for opportunity😂. Do you guys think we should give it to him.

If you really enjoyed this chapter as much as I do please vote, comment and share

Love y'all ❤️❤️

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