1. The Arrival of the Tyler Women.

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 Derry, Maine. Too little of a town to be well-known in this too big of a place to call a country. Yet, it's name brings fear to citizens all around the nation. After all, it has had the most cases of disappearing kids. The most and the worst. None that disappeared ever came back. The culprit? Never to be found. 

 Despite it's horrifying reputation, a woman that goes by the name Linda Tyler has had her mind and heart set to moving there, bringing along with her, her daughter, Andrea Tyler, often known as Andie. A nickname that was given by her mother, Linda and her late father, Paul who recently passed away. His untimely death was not that of an accident, but tied to a story Andie will soon find herself living. As for now, Andie and Linda both believed that the death of their beloved was the effect of his mental health that has never been helped and suicide was his only way. 

 Linda was young, only in her mid 30s whereas Andie was only 13. The Tyler women were beautiful and charming. They had a good life back in New Jersey until Paul's demise. They had money, more than enough and Andie was not a big fan of her mother's idea to move away. After all, she had a not too bad life; cool friends and the familiarity of it all. However, after losing her father, she would do anything for her mother. The two already had a stable relationship and Linda has always been a good mother as Paul, a good father and Andie, a good daughter. Of course, they had their downs but they went through it all together, as a loving family. 

 The reason for Linda's decision to move is that Derry, ignoring the horror of the town well-known, is the birthplace and hometown of Paul. He was born there and grew up there, although he barely remembered anything. It wasn't until the few days before his death, did he truly remember Derry. Linda has always found it odd, how he hardly ever talked of his childhood but she assumed it was bad and didn't want to bring it up as it might upset him. The truth was, he didn't remember. He truly didn't. Even Andie wondered those things of her father; how he would spend his time as a child and more. She could never understand how someone can forget so much of their childhood but she will soon find herself down that path. 

 Paul's parents had a house in Derry. Before they died, the house was given to Paul and when he died, it was given to his wife. It was a beautiful and cozy home, located in the suburbs. Fully furnitured yet empty of pictures. It was dusty, when Andie and Linda first came to see the house so Linda hired a group of cleaners for the house. Linda decided to move as quickly as possible and so they had to move 2 months before summer break, resulting in Andie having to move to the school at such an odd time. 

 Linda easily found work at the local pharmacy, working under Mr. Keene, who was a respected man. He lives with his daughter who occasionally visits the pharmacy during her free time, Greta Keene. To say Greta was a bad person would be an understatement. She, Henry Bowers, and his gang, ruled the school as they bullied almost every single student. Knowing his daughter, Mr. Keene warned her not to disturb Andie and she obliged as she secretly was afraid of her father. His warning didn't just stop at Greta as he also included the Bowers' Gang. 

 Why did he do that? That's something Andie wondered. Of course, she thought he was a good man, only looking out for the Tyler women but she was wrong. He knew that if Andie was getting bullied, Linda would move away, leaving him without an employee who he enjoyed seeing. The local women of the town knew of Mr. Keene's perverse behavior. Fortunately for him, Linda wasn't local, unbeknownst to his habits. 

 In defiance of the way it happened, Andie was safe from the bullies which allowed her to live and walk about freely, within reason. Andie has a bike of her own, yet no knowledge of how to ride it resulting in her having to walk around. It never bothered her as she has always enjoyed walking. She enjoyed the way she can walk as fast or as slow as she wanted, the fact that she can observe every little thing in her surroundings and just, walking. 

 She enjoyed the library too, though she only ever came for words of fiction and sometimes, books about music. During one of her visits, she was met with Ben; a cute and chubby boy who, like her, only recently moved to Derry. They shared an interest of reading as well as the fact that they had no friends. However, that soon changed after their first meeting. They often see one another at the library, very rarely at school. Ben usually talks about his history findings which he found interesting. Andie, who wasn't much for history, still listened to her now-best-friend go on and on as she knew it was what he did whenever she would talk about the novels she had read. Though they both enjoyed reading, they weren't fans of the same genres of books, not that it mattered. They still enjoyed each other's company and friendship and would find themselves looking forward to the end of the school day as that is the time they would meet at the library. 

 As much as Andie loved the library, she didn't go every day, unlike Ben. Some days, she would be reading at home or just chilling alone. Most of the time, she would sit in her room, her notebook set on the small table beside her piano, with her guitar on her lap and a pencil either in her hand, on the book, or tucked in her hair by her ear. Andie enjoyed writing, whether it be stories, poetry or song lyrics. Poetry was one of the things she often talked about with Ben as he too, was interested in it. 

 Andie had a voice so beautiful, that whenever she would sing, it was so mesmerizing that you would think that the waves and the sea would stop crashing, leaving the world in sound, only to hear her voice. With a gift like that, she spent evenings composing music, writing lyrics, creating something she hoped one day could be shared to the ears of the world. 

 Linda was a supportive mother, always encouraging Andie to pursue music and writing. At times when Andie would share her words with her mother, Linda would always be in awe of her beautiful daughter, never once disappointed. Linda was never one with words, neither was Paul. It baffles her where Andie had gotten the gift but nevertheless, she was proud and grateful that her daughter had a passion, especially since a young age. It was something she always wished had happened to her. Maybe then, she wouldn't be stuck working at a drug store owned by a creep. Of course, she could always quit but she really didn't have much of a choice in that area and she needed money to maintain her life with Andie. 

 Linda knew about the bullies and Mr. Keene's warning; to not harm or disturb Andie. She was grateful but once she learned of Mr. Keene's true colors, she wished she could leave. Had it not been for the income and Andie's safety, she would have. But her love for Andie was bigger than her desire to quit and she made the decision to keep working with him. For Andie. She only prayed Andie would never find out as she knows that Andie would beg her to quit. 

 It has been two months since the arrival of the Tyler women. Settling in nicely, they thought nothing of their future life. After all, what could happen in a town this small where everyone knew each other a little too well?

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora