Confessing Pt 4

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The Pianist

Your day was off to a great start, you woke up early, your breakfast was good and you ran into a great friend of yours on your way to work. In conclusion, it was the perfect morning. Well... almost perfect. The pianist hasn't texted or visited you at all for the last three days. It was a bit weird considering he always visits you in the morning no matter what the weather was. He'd still met up with you during your piano time, though; he keeps to himself most of the time and leaves a good ten minutes early.

'Well, I guess he can't be with me all the time. I bet he has a job as well. I was silly to think that I'm the only thing in his life.' you thought to yourself.

The day went by quicker than you expected, soon it was your piano time. As usual, the owner greeted you with a smile, you returned it, as usual, the pianist was already there.

"Hey! What shall we play today?" You asked as you put your bag down. Before you could even do anything else, he sat down and began playing. After a few notes or so, you blushed. You recognized the song. The pianist was proclaiming his love to you. After the song ended, he took out a bunch of roses and presented them to you with a flustered face.

"(Y)-... (Y/N), would you like to accept me as the one who will protect your heart forever?" He asked.

You couldn't speak, when you opened your mouth nothing as heard. Your mind was blank. As minutes passed, the pianist grew anxious and started to put away the flowers. It was only then when you snapped out of it.

"N-no wait! Erm... Yes! I accept! I mean I love you too!"

Both of you blushed at your words. Without warning though, he grabbed you and kissed you passionately, You eagerly returned the kiss, After a few passion filled minutes you two broke away. As you regained your breath, he took the flowers and gave them to you.

"I've booked us a lunch date, shall we?" He asked

As you took the flowers, a broad smile was plastered onto your face.

"We shall my dear." You responded


You started out your day by sleeping in, it was a Saturday and you told your boss that you would be having a rest weekend. He agreed since you were more of the hardworking employees. Puppies and kittens were in your arms till someone shook you awake.

"Nooo.... Mr. Sprinkles needs me for the ice cream party..." You mumbled, rolling over to the side.

"I thought you said we were going to get ice cream today?" Tender said, smirking a little.

He didn't have time to close his mouth before you leaped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to shower and get dress.

"Out of my room! I'll be ready in five minutes!"

Also, you know about his demon form, you know about his brothers, yet you still hang out with him. Why? Because he's Tenderman and he's amazing. You kept your word and you were dressed and ready to go. Tender chuckled and gave you his hand.

"Shall we?"

"We shall" You said, smiling.

You took his hand and you two walked towards the ice-cream parlor, on the way there you found a stray cat that looked like was about to collapse. You scooped it up and Tender summoned a small bowl and filled it with water.

"It's so small, can you find the mother?" You asked. Tender nodded and disappeared for a while. The kitten meowed softly as it lapped up the water. After it had had its fill it curled up in your arms and Trender made an appearance.

"No luck, I think this kitten had wandered off, their attention caught by a butterfly or a car and got lost." He said.

Your heart ached and scratched behinds the kitty's ear. Tender saw how fondly you looked at the kitten and smiled.

"You know we could keep it, it wouldn't be much of a problem" He said, your eyes lit up and smiled widely.

"Really? Thank you so much Tender-"
"However I have one condition Y/N"

You smiled faded slightly but you weren't going to give up easily. You were bringing this kitten home no matter what.

"Try me" You said confidently.
"If you would kindly be my girlfriend, you can keep it"

The kitten looked up and wondered why there was red on your face. It meowed softly and began to paw at your cheeks.

"Y/N? Are you alright?"

Words didn't come to you; you were too stunned to speak. When you did find the words the first thing you said was 'smooth'. He laughed and offered his hand for you to stand up.

"Come now, ice cream date remember?"

You took his hand, the red never leaving your face however you didn't mind because with your new boyfriend it seemed like it was alright.

Story Changer

"Offender may I ask you something?"

Offender looked up from his book to the being in front of him. Story Changer was in casual wear and was once more going to hang out with Y/N after school yet something felt off.

"Oh hey SC, got something on your mind?"
"Yes actually. It seems like Y/N has done something to me. I feel... weird... my cheeks heat up everything she smiles and when she talks my stomach feels like it's turning. I've started to go dizzy every time I'm with her and when she's gone I feel empty. I have a feeling that it's some sort of spell she's placed upon me as some sort of joke but it seems like she forgot and-" Story Changer was interrupted by the sound of Offender laughing. They were confused and angry at the same time.

"I am sharing information that I wouldn't normally share and this is how you-"
"I'm sorry! I-It's just that---"

Offender had to take a few breaths before talking to Story Changer.

"SC you're in love!"

Story Changer was surprised, them in love? They wouldn't have thought of that, however the more they thought about it the more is made sense. In a way, Story Changer realized that they were indeed in love with you and when they thought about you being gone it hurt them. They thanked Offender and when you got out of school got back to the house they immediately took action.

"Y/N L/N would you be my girlfriend?"

Caught by surprise, you blushed and stammered, wondering why on earth would they love someone like you.

"I was surprised too, I didn't realize I was in love with you but when I talked to someone about it, and it was then when I realized it. Y/N nothing would make me as happy as you do or would affect me as much as you do so when I say this would you please accept? Would you please be my girlfriend?"

Story Changer got on one knee and held your hands as he said those words. Touched by the affection you began to cry. Them not being used to human emotions were startled at first and thought they had hurt you but to their surprised you wrapped them in a hug saying yes over and over again. Story Changer wiped away your tears and held you close, saying the three words that made your heart beat fast.

I love you"

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