Meeting Them Part 1

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"I've had enough of you!"

You yelled at your so-called boyfriend. You slapped him and stormed out of the house while crying heavily. No matter how hard you tried he was still the same narcissistic ass. You ran to the forest, going to your favorite quiet spot and cried, not noticing that you just ran past a very surprised creature. It slowly walked up to you, hearing your thoughts and feeling a certain emotion. It wasn't before you heard static did you only look up and screamed. A tall, faceless man was looking at you without speaking. You couldn't run and the only thing you could do was stay put, breathing heavily. You close your eyes thinking it would be the end. But....

"Are you alright miss?"

Jeff the Killer

'What a shitty day'

You thought to yourself as you dragged yourself over to your couch. Once again the customers you worked with were jerks and your lazy boss didn't do anything. But no matter how much you wanted to quit it was the only thing that allowed you to keep your apartment, until you could find a new job that is. You groaned in pain, clutching your head and went into the kitchen trying to find some pain killers.

"I swear one day they're going to get what's coming to them."

You chuckled, amused by your psychotic thoughts. Yes you admitted you were a bit psychotic but did it bother you? No it was the only fucking thing that kept you sane. Ironic right? Night came and you dragged your sorry ass to bed, but since someone clearly hated you and then a window shattered.


Annoyed, you grabbed your pocket knife and tried to get out of bed. Key word tried. You were pinned and the knife flew out of your hand. Your attacker was a man with jet black hair, cut smile and half-cut eyelids.(One word; AU) Jeff the Killer apparently decided to pay you a visit. You opened your mouth but he interrupted you.

"Girl I swear you and me were meant to be!"

Ben Drowned

"Happy Birthday Y/N!"

B/F/N yelled while giving you a neatly wrapped present. You smiled brightly, thanked them and opened it. It was a battered copy of a game cartridge but you gasped in surprised. It was a copy of Majora's Mask. The only LOZ game you didn't have. Sure it was battered but it was everything you could have asked for. And yes, you loved video games so what? After the party you immediately plugged it in. You didn't pay attention to the other file but pressed the 'New' option. Things went smoothly but something weird began to happen. There was blood and you couldn't control Link. The screen grew black and bright, red words began to appear.

'You shouldn't have done that.'

You cocked your head to the side, a habit of yours and curiously poked the screen.

'You've met a terribly fate haven't you?'

"Oh come on can't I just play a game without it being terribly?!"

A glitchy chuckle was heard and soon a Link lookalike came out off the screen. You froze, watching him come closer. You couldn't control your body but you could speak so what was probably the stupidest thing you've ever done,

"So want to play CoD?"

You mentally smacked yourself but to your surprise

"Why not?"

Eyeless Jack

You were walking home after a lecture. Your parents were divorce and you had your own house provided by both of them. You father was kind but a bit old fashion. He didn't like your crop top since he claimed it showed too much skin. You didn't mind, seeing of which he cared for you but you half wished he would understand it wasn't such a big deal? Well it wouldn't unless you were walking at night, alone, in a pleated skirt and the said crop top. Well as fate might say, you were cornered by a drunken man in his mid thirties. You would have screamed for help but he gagged you. You close your eyes, praying that you would survive so that you could apologies to your father for everything. Suddenly the weight was lifted off you and you heard the man scream. You open your eyes to see a figure, stabbing the man repeatedly. You took off the gag but instead of running you stared, for some odd reason and others might ask why you wanted to thank the man. You tapped him on the shoulder and he looked at you. He was wearing a blue mask with black goo dripping out of the eye holes. But did it bother you? Not in the slightest.

'Hi, thanks for saving me." You said with a smile on your face.

The figure stayed silent then shrugged.

"Seriously though, stop wearing those kind ofclothes at night, especially when you're alone." He said while taking somethingout of the guy who tried to kidnap you.

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