Meeting Them Part 2

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"Right so I'm lost, alone, tired but hey? What the heck things will get better!"

You being your innocent self tried to reason with yourself. You wanted to walk around the forest but suddenly ended up in the middle of an abandon carnival. You held yourself tighter, trying to ignore the eerie sounds that seem to come from everywhere. You kept walking and then it hit you, you were walking in circles. A twig snapped making you jump and squeak in fear. You immediately start humming a nursery rhyme, a habit of yours when you got scared. What nursery rhyme? Well-

"All around the mulberry bush~!"

Your eyes widen and you tried to find the voice.

"The monkey chased the weasel~!"

The voice started to grow louder with ever step you took.

"The monkey thought that it was all fun~!"

You ran inside a tent and found a tall someone and you smiled in relief.

"Pop! Goes the weas-"

Before the rhyme could be finished you tackled the said someone knocking the both of you to the ground. They were surprised to see you hugging them, slightly trembling from fear and looking at them innocently. You didn't care if they looked scary but you loved clowns and you certainly were relieved that someone was with you. Boy aren't you in a surprise when you find out the infamous Laughing Jack's heart soften at the sight of you.

Bloody Painter

You were in an art museum, you loved art so as a reward for being good, although most likely because your brother didn't like you and your parents thought you were a little weird, they dropped you off here. You didn't mind, you were in a place of peace and that was enough. You were trying to do a rough sketch on one of the paintings when someone bumped into you making you drop your sketch book.

"I am so sorry!" They apologies, reaching for the book at the same time as you did.

"It's okay." You said while reaching for the book but then realize it was on a page of the Bloody Painter. You weren't a fan of Creepypasta but you were a fan of Bloody Painter.

The person froze, carefully inspecting the picture then looked at you with wide eyes. You gasped but before anything else he grabbed you and your sketch book and took you out of there. He took you somewhere that you two could be alone and then starred at you with curious eyes. You wouldn't stop blushing, not as a fan girl but to think your favorite character was holding YOUR sketchbook and was looking at you like some rare being.

"I-I'm so-"

He shushed you and you blinked in surprise. It wasn't like him to act like that but here he was, looking at you with a smirk and amused eyes.

"I'll let you go under one condition." He said while lazily scanning your sketchbook.

You nodded, still not being able to speak.

"Keep drawing, you're amazing at it." He gave you your sketchbook and left you standing like an idiot.

Homicidal Liu

"That's enough!"

Your little brother had gotten into a fight, again and you had to break them up. You sighed as you took your brother out of the play ground.

"But Y/N they said you were crazy!"

'No matter how much you wanted to be mad at him, you couldn't help but smile. You looked around before you found a small café, and decided it was the best place to stop for lunch.

"Nice of you to care for me but really, I can handle myself. You need to make friends, not enemies." You said while wiping off dirt from his face.

Your brother pouted but immediately smiled once he saw a bowl of Mac and Cheese. You rolled your eyes at him when his clean face became dirty again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man with scars who was starring at you while looking somber. When he noticed that he had been caught starring he blushed and looked away but you weren't having any of that. You caught his attention once more and invited him to join with you. He tried to deny but you glared at him, as in its final. He shrugged and grabbed his cup of coffee.

"So what made us so interesting you were starring?" You said with a chuckle.

The man laughed at that and took a sip of his coffee.

"Nothing really, it's just that you guys remind me of my own brother." He said with a sad look.

This piqued your interest and you asked if you could know more, he hesitated but once he saw that you were serious he sighed.

"Something bad happened and... well... let's just say we aren't close anymore. I love him but I'm not sure if he still loves me."

You felt bad for asking and you opened you mouth to apologies but your little brother burped. You blinked your eyes and glared at him.

"What? I'm a child." He reason with you.

Your shook your head in disbelief and the man choked on his coffee. He laughed but then winced and held his head.

"I-I need to go.."

He stood up but you grabbed his hand.

'My name is Y/N, you?"

He paused but smiled at you.

"I'm Liu."


There was no denying it, you were a collector. Not just any collections like stamps or antiques but puppets. Marionettes, sock puppets, Muppet-like ones, you name it you had it. It was a little weird but you felt like that the puppets were your friends. You entered a store, fascinated by the type of dolls there. The man behind the counter had red hair and weird marking on his face but you paid no attention. You didn't care about appearance so you just walked around the store. A doll caught your attention and you took it off the shelf making the man behind the counter look at you with surprised eyes.

"Miss wouldn't you like a nice one?" He asked while reaching under the counter.

You shook your head. Sure the Marionette had a broken face and dirty clothes but for some reason you loved it. He looked in awe then disappeared behind the curtain. While you were busy admiring the doll you didn't hear the door open.

"Hey Jason have I need your-"

Jason reappeared holding a box for your marionette and looked at the new person with a smirk. Intrigued you looked up and saw a man with gray skin and glowing yellow eyes. He had long hair was a dressed like he was some kind of crazy guy. He was looking at you with surprised eyes.

"Yes?" You asked.

He blinked then blushed slightly.

"Y-you... you have the doll... I made.."

This surprised you, so you put it back.

"I am sorry did you not want to sell it?" You asked nervously.

He stammered and shook his head.

"N-No I was just surprised. You didn't want anything else like a new one?"

You shook your head and he seems to beam at that.

"Well in that case you can have it for free." He said with a wide smile.

You tried to buy it but the man insisted. When you left Jason burst out laughing.

"Nice job Puppeteer, you're now a qualified simp."

"I am not a simp!"

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