Meeting them Part 4

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Your boss looked up just in time to see you collapse. He yelled in shock and rushed over to you.

"Y/N? Y/N!!"

Your coworkers started panicking, over your unconscious body. The restaurant you worked in wasn't large but it was enough to cause a ruckus. In fact Tender, as a human, heard the noise so he ran to it. His eyes widen as the scene and immediately called an ambulance. He rushed over and checked your pulse, assuring your boss that he knew what to do. He asked of a type of small stool to elevate your feet. He also made sure you got enough air. When the ambulance came he asked to go with them and seeing that his mind was made up they agreed. When the doctors checked on you, they realized that it was because you haven't eaten in a long time caused your current situation. Two days later, you woke, seeing an unfamiliar man sleeping on a chair. You groaned in pain, waking him and making him stand up and give you a glass of water and some medication.

"Hey there, you were knocked out for two days." He said calmly.

You panicked but before anything else the doors burst open and your mom came in crying. Your dad had died a long time ago and your mom had an alcohol problem but nevertheless she cared about you enough to try and learn how to control it.

"Why haven't you eaten!?" She yelled out in fear.

You hesitated; Tender went out to give you some privacy and to call your doctor.

" know why..."

She sobbed harder, not stopping even if your doctor came. The usual was given and you were told that you needed to rest. Tender came in and offered to help you but you refused, that is until your mom told you she would never speak to you ever again unless you agreed to his help.

"He's the reason why you're still here you know." She said.

Let's just say until you were better, he took care of you, slowly falling in love with you along the way.

Story Changer

(Story Changer is not a Creepypasta but he is great friends with the Slender brothers who also adore his presence. More info in my head canon book)

What a wonderful dimension, I could stay here forever.

Using telepathy, he wandered town through town, invisible, enjoying the peacefulness. But then it happened...

"Stupid brat!"

A glass shattered and a scream followed. Story Changer went to the source and found you and your abusive family hurting you. Anger flowed through his veins. Looking into your life he realized that your family had done nothing but hurt you, physically, emotionally, sexually, and mentally. Looking some more, he saw that you were a kind girl with pretty (e/c) eyes and soft (h/c) hair. But since your parents favored you sibling more over you, when they found out they liked you more than them they threw a fit.

That's it...

He put you to sleep then killed your family, brutally and slow as possible, making sure that they felt the pain they made you feel for years. Afterwards he picked your unconscious and bruised body and took you to a beautiful house. It was given to him by Slenderman as a gift for helping them. He healed you and gave you new clothes to wear. Now you may be wondering, why not change your story? Well, seeing the different possibilities, this was the only time line that didn't hurt you to most. No matter what he did it always remained the same. So he took you and swore that nothing will ever hurt you ever again. When you awoke you were surprised at the scene change. Story Changer cautiously went in with a tray of breakfast food and some medication. He bashfully smiled at you and encouraged you to eat. Even if you hesitated, he secretly used his powers to help you. You never saw you family or anyone else but it didn't matter, there was someone who cared for you and that was enough.

"What's your name?"

Story Changer but.... I somewhat like the name Preston

You smiled at him.

"Alright then Preston."

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