Chapter Twenty-Four; S.M.D.M.E

Start from the beginning

    "Pass the gate, there will be another after it for their driveway," Todoroki stated. Bakugo did as he was told, passing the gate that led to the front door. They were met with a bigger gate, slowly it started to open and Bakugo turned. The drive was long, it felt as if it was another road.

    After a minute they finally ended up in front of a garage, big enough to be a two-story house. Bakugo stopped the car. Everyone stayed seated, feeling off.

"We're moving backward by the way," Shoji calmly stated, stroking Kaminari's hair.

Todoroki shifted the gear quickly into Park and paused to make sure they weren't moving anymore. He scrambled out of the car, everyone following, some faster than others.


Todoroki paused in front of the car, "Yaoyorozu, thank you for letting us come."

"It's no problem," she gave a small smile, a man in a black suit stood behind her, he was surprisingly tall making Yaoyorozu look shorter than her actual height. "Is everything alright? Your text didn't provide much information and you didn't answer when I replied..." her voice trailed off.

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Shoji stepped up to them, Kamirari still clinging onto Shoji's arm. Kirishima notices Bakugo still in the car, his head down. He lowered his upper body and tapped on the glass. Bakugo slightly moved his head towards the window, reaching for the door handle. Kirishima straightened himself and joined the rest of the group, resting a comforting hand on Kaminari's shoulder.

"-have tea and explain what happened-" Yaoyrozu's eyes drifted to a certain someone, his eyes widening. The man in the suit behind her put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back slightly. "Bakugo!"

They all turned to see a barely standing blond, arms slacked by his sides, shoulders slouching, eyes bloodshot and blood dripping down his cheeks and down his neck. His hair a brighter red by his ears and a nosebleed that spread to the side of his face from being wiped off. The back of his hand had splotches of blood.

"Baku-" Kirishima hitched. Bakugo's eyes unfocused, rolling back. His head tilted up as his body fell forward. "Hey!" Kirishima jumped into action, catching the blond and falling on his ass.

"Oh my god!" Yaoyorozu covered her mouth.

Shoji stayed silent as well as Todoroki.

Kaminari detached himself from Shoji's arm, falling to the ground with his knees up to his chest and hands pulling his hair. "No, no, no, no," he repeated.

Kaminari screamed and cowered in the corner of his room, "Please! Don't hurt me, please!" He begged.

His books and journals were thrown at the wall, chuckling, it went, "So much different." The figure was black, pitch black. Red eyes and white, bright teeth, and what seemed to be spikey hair. It looked like scribbles, moving and swaying back and forth when it moved.

Like a glitch.

    It picked a notebook, opening it, and looking inside. Out of nowhere, the bed moved, the mattress moving in one direction, the bed frame in the other so half was off the bed. The dresser Kaminari was hiding next to was lifted a few inches before crashing down and falling over. Kaminari screamed and moved farther back into the corner.

    The lights were already out but the glass bulb shattered. "Come on. Look at me~" it cooed. "I won't hurt you so bad~" Kaminari refused to look up, keeping his eyes closed and it infuriated the thing even more. "Look at me!" Its voice boomed, shaking the house and everything in it. Kaminari vibrated from it, crying even more.

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